Going off alone to cool down is also an effective way to refuse anger, especially if you can't think clearly.
The solution is to allow the flippers to cool down without drawing heat away from the rest of the turtle's body.
Simply slowing the pace and talking in an even tone helps the other person cool down and does the same for you.
For cooler (blue or green) light, you'll tell the camera to warm things up, and in warm light, you'll tell it to cool down.
Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive—a finding that inspired her to drive more defensively.
First, take a deep breath. This can help you cool down.
If you feel riled up, give yourself some time to cool down first before engaging further.
Tell the away team to cool down, and make them aware that the home side are acting within the laws.
When you need to cool down, do one or more of the activities in the list above.
If it does overheat, there aren’t too many trackside repairs that I know of for an automatic. So, just park your truck, let it cool down and try again.
Both venues also have large so-called misting tents, where huge fans blow icy sprinkles of water on the horses, allowing them to cool down after a race.
Cool down: The footballer encouraged his sons Cruz and Brooklyn to down bottles of water after their energetic game in the California sun.
If the Global Hawk can provide detailed images of the buildings, it could be a big help for the authorities planning the next attempts to cool down the damaged reactors.
Because there are numerous, numerous reports that people fall in a lake and rapidly cool down and they can be brought back to life many hours later.
Of course, when you're running hard on the treadmill, it's still important to make sure you're doing a proper warm-up and cool-down.
The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze.
The ventilators cool down the radiators. In summer the noise is terrible. Right now there is no voltage here, works will start in autumn.
Recently, the traditionally hot majors like management and computer science have begun to cool down, as long-neglected majors like geology and forestry regain popularity.
Such individuals can make themselves very unpopular with the industry by trying to cool down a sizzling money machine.
So for cooler (blue or green) light you’ll tell the camera to warm things up and in warm light you’ll tell it to cool down.
It was happening every night, but the extra time taken to get the other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start.
Another tip: Before popping open your ice-cold can of soda, hold it to the back of your neck for a quick cool-down.
This powerful song's slow tempo makes it great for your warm up or cool down.
The parts of Earth shaded by the moon naturally cool down, and this temperature difference spawns the acoustic waves, researchers said.
After you finish your run, make sure you cool down by walking or slowly jogging for 5 to 10 minutes before you step off the treadmill.
Seemed like a cool idea: paint the world's roofs white to reflect more sunlight, and it could help cool down both cities and the planet.
Couples were asked to discuss something they disagreed on, and then they were given a cool-down period, talking about something they both liked.
Couples were asked to discuss something they disagreed on, and then they were given a cool-down period, talking about something they both liked.