The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.
Some types, such as Marine stratocumulus clouds, can have a significant cooling effect thanks to their ability to reflect sunlight back out to space before it ever reaches the surface of the planet.
These have a cooling effect on the climate, and removing this effect will increase the sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic relative to the South Atlantic.
But the effect is not just psychological. The cold water also produces a slight physiological cooling effect.
Gatebe describes the cooling effect as "a drop in the ocean" compared with the amount of warming shipping emissions cause.
The soot produced by burning fossil fuels has a stronger warming effect because it contains a higher ratio of black carbon to sulfate, which reflects sunlight to produce a cooling effect.
Sulphur ejected into the atmosphere spread around in subsequent months to create a layer believed to have had a temporary cooling effect as it blocked some of the sun's warmth.
For moving freight, ships were best -- impacting climate up to 30 times less than trucking and actually often producing a cooling effect because of their sulfur emissions.
This last cooling effect is caused by a decline in ozone in the stratosphere which prevents it absorbing as much ultraviolet radiation from the sun above.
Clouds can thus have a marked cooling effect and also a marked warming effect. Which will grow more in a greenhouse world?
Clouds can thus have a marked cooling effect and also a marked warming effect.
It has a cooling effect, and also increases circulation to the bite, speeding the healing process.
The concept is based on the cooling effect of volcano eruptions on the atmosphere.
Even with more advanced designs, poorly insulated combustion Chambers can add to the cooling effect and thus to the inefficiency.
Dark blue areas reflect the most energy, having the greatest cooling effect.
Simulations suggest this would have a substantial cooling effect. The question is how to do it economically.
Inspiration: When volcanoes erupt they fire tonnes of particles into the atmosphere which has a cooling effect on the planet.
Scientists also believe it may also be possible that during the next upturn of the cycle, when solar activity increases, there might be a cooling effect at the Earth's surface.
The fruit has deep purple skin with sweet and tangy edible flesh that is similar to peach flavor and texture. It has cooling effect on body. It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
This is due to the increase of magnetic strength, make motor stator and rotor clearances between doubled, has greatly improved the cooling effect.
In addition, mute oil free compressor USES air convection principle, to achieve the natural cooling effect.
Different plant types have different cooling effects, in general, bigger and denser canopy has greater cooling effect, and arbor's greater than lawn's.
Faults: due to the drive air flows to the wind cooling, cooling effect is not obvious, especially the air temperature is higher, and in the summer, can only be strong seasonal use.
Faults: due to the drive air flows to the wind cooling, cooling effect is not obvious, especially the air temperature is higher, and in the summer, can only be strong seasonal use.