The results showed that silver carp could control bloom of both cyanobacteria and pelagic copepod.
Several significant changes were found in the composition of the rotifer, cladoceran and copepod assemblages.
The species of cladoceran and copepod in Shiquan River are fewer. From the specimens we observed 5 families 8 genus 18 species of cladoceran and the dominant species are A.
The present paper deals with the biology of the parasitic copepod Lernaea poly-morpha and the acquired immunity on the part of the hosts after its infeetion on silver carp and big-head.
The results indicated that different copepods at same natural acclimated temperature and specific copepod at different initial acclimated temperature had different thermal tolerance capability.
They included cold-blooded organisms that ranged in average lifespan from 11.6 days for the copepod (small crustaceans) Arcartia tonsa to 74 years for the pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera).
They included cold-blooded organisms that ranged in average lifespan from 11.6 days for the copepod (small crustaceans) Arcartia tonsa to 74 years for the pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera).