A giant washing machine copes with the mountain of laundry created by their nine boys and five girls.
I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.
Not all printers support printing multiple copes.
How he copes with a torn ligament in his pinkie remains to be seen.
Much depends on how Ms fernandez copes with the loss of her lifelong partner.
Graphic novel about a young woman who copes with Iranian life by listening to punk.
The researchers are optimistic that the protein also affects how the human brain copes with life's troubles.
A successful entrepreneur copes with whatever problems come along, and there are sure to be plenty of them.
The process industry often copes with high pressure fluid material, including the used high pressure fluid.
As the global community copes with the mounting pirate threat, India has taken a leading role in the fight.
Today, Mr. Nelson copes with extensive swelling in his face — a side effect of head and neck cancer treatment.
今天,纳尔逊先生脸部肿胀 ---头和颈部的癌症治疗引起的副作用
We know little about how the human body copes with the chemicals that have inveigled their way into our daily life.
Copes with challenge to our banking supervisory system from the foreign capital Banks after the entrance of WTO.
The mobilisation of capital will be fitful as the financial system copes with past mistakes and impending regulation.
Among the system of rice blast disease, the interaction between host and pathogen copes with gene-for-gene relationship.
Unfortunately, not all software copes with this elegantly, and in fact, the default compiler options generate 32-bit code.
Jacob Ramsey copes with manic depression and says that after years on the street, he has gotten the help he needs and is helping others.
My friend, who has been shamed into confining her mess to one corner of the closet, copes by mocking her spouse — gently — to his face.
Comical as his scientific research sounds, the point he raises confirms one of the important ways that technology copes with climate change.
In times of stress or overload, the mind copes by closing itself off to new ideas and instead, focuses on simply getting the job at hand done.
The one who holds the similar view is team Manager, "we have the confidence win, regardless of the match has copes with how with difficulty."
Although the experiments were in mice, the researchers are optimistic that the protein also affects how the human brain copes with life's troubles.
Angelina Jolie raises six children with her partner Brad Pitt, and she's still amazed by how well she copes with having such limited time to herself.
Also, because of its complexity, it is far more important to do the SuperMemo repetitions every day; it copes very poorly with even a few missed days.
Also, because of its complexity, it is far more important to do the SuperMemo repetitions every day; it copes very poorly with even a few missed days.