At the same time, to the volatility of copper yield rates characteristics, two types of models came to the same empirical results.
Through the analysis of copper time series' characteristics, we found that copper yield rate time series had peak fat-tail characteristic, volatility clustering characteristic and obvious ARCH effect.
It will have effect on the growth and yield of crops when the copper content in soil is over a critical concentration.
The inner spiral copper tube produced by extrusion-rolling process has a kind of special line defect, which influences the production yield remarkably.
By treating this precipitate with nitrous acid followed by a recrystallization process, copper (II) nitrate was recovered in 82.32% yield.
Effects of peak electric voltage and feed flow rates of methane and hydrogen on CH4 conversion, C2 yield, and the selectivity were investigated using copper or stainless steel electrode.
International copper prices fluctuate greatly. In this context, the study of China's copper futures yield rate volatility has important practical significance.
The invention has the advantages of simpleness and practicability, effectively maintaining the copper pipe with defects and obviously improving the yield of air conditioner heat exchanger.
In the acidic aqueous solution of copper sulfate, pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid was synthesized by oxidizing quinoline with sodium chlorate, and the yield of the product could reach 56.4%.
In the acidic aqueous solution of copper sulfate, pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid was synthesized by oxidizing quinoline with sodium chlorate, and the yield of the product could reach 56.4%.