Edit commands Order these commands as follows: Cut, Copy, Paste, and other specialized Paste commands, followed by Clear and Select All.
Sequence diagram copy functions have been enhanced to make it easier to edit the diagrams.
Simply copy and paste the relevant function from the generated c, add the magic override line, and edit the code until it does what you want.
Keep a local copy of the schemas, and edit them to support the enumerated values your enterprise USES.
Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.
Make a copy of any library file that you want to view, and then edit only your copy.
To specify your own defaults, you simply need to edit the copy of the file that will be first in the classpath.
More and more, newsroom jobs are being consolidated. Editors who once only had to edit copy and write headlines are now being asked to do computerized layout as well.
You could copy and then edit the files to specify the appropriate Settings for the of the new portlet projects (such as the name, uid, and filename).
With PhotoMail app, you can edit and send photos quickly, copy photos from the gallery, edit photos with text and graphics and also E-mail selected photos.
The other approach is to edit an unlocked copy of the original from the Perspective List panel.
另一种方法是从 Perspective List 面板编辑原透视图的一个未锁定的复制版本。
For example, get Eclipse (see Resources), open a new project, copy and paste the code from Listing 1 into a new document, edit, and you are well on your way to a structured resume data file.
She can't reply to all because Badger will see it, so she has to manually edit the recipient list on the private email and create yet another copy of the message.
We may want to edit the blog entry form to include the eye graphic, just to save ourselves the work of having to copy and paste the link into every new item.
To add an entry for the custom stylesheet, copy an existing entry and edit the ID to point to the path of your custom sheet. Here is an example of a new entry.
Configuration: Copy config.xml.dist to config.xml, and edit it to suit your requirements.
配置:将config . xml .dist复制到config . xml,并编辑它,使其满足您的需求。
You can edit or copy data mashups using the edit as New selection.
From the editor, copy the template for listing the wishes to app \ views \ viewer \ list.rhtml, then remove the links to Show, edit, Destroy and New wish.
在编辑器中,将列出愿望的模板复制到app \views \viewer \ list .rhtml,然后删除Show、Edit、Destroy和NewWish的链接。
Lotus Server.Load has a variety of commands from which to choose (refer to the documentation), and you can view the built-in workloads, copy those sets of commands, and edit them as you like.
Lotus Server .Load有许多可供选择的命令(参见文档),可以查看内置的工作负载,复制这些命令集,根据需要编辑它们。
If you are a beginner, you may find yourself able to obtain work as a writer, using your computer to produce copy that is easy to edit.
News editors make reporting assignments, plan coverage, train and evaluate the staff, and edit copy.
After you have selected the Template tag and the file you wish to edit, then before making any changes at all, right-click in the text box, choose 'select all' then choose 'Copy'.
However, you can use the Copy Picture command (hold down SHIFT and click the Edit menu) to create a link to cells on this or another sheet.
Clicking on Copy will then transfer contents of edit box to clipboard.
You can copy frames, then edit them to make sure the animation matches up.
For some reason, I can't edit your talk page, so, just copy and paste it yourself.
Only those users with appropriate permissions set can view, edit, delete, copy or manage the query folders and team queries.
Only those users with appropriate permissions set can view, edit, delete, copy or manage the query folders and team queries.