Copy all of the screen captures, screen customizations, and macros from the existing project to the new mobile project.
This is a great feature for webmasters; Amaya allows the user to browse and make web pages from scratch or copy and paste content from existing sources.
This routine creates a copy of your existing table with the new partitioning key and loads it partially or fully with the data from the original table.
For example, Listing 5 shows how to copy the files from the current directory to an existing directory.
It is probably easiest to remove the existing agent, and then to copy and paste it from the supplied database to your template.
The next step is to copy the existing data from the original table to the new table.
If you have an existing policy from your current insurer, pull it out or request they send you a copy.
Name your rendering set and specify that you want to Copy new rendering set from existing set to populate the new rendering set with the items listed in the main rendering set.
命名您的呈现集,并指定Copynewrenderingsetfrom existing set,利用主呈现集中列出的项目生成新的呈现集。
How do I copy files from one directory to another, overwriting existing files?
But we cannot copy the existing courses from those disciplines: we need to establish new ones that are appropriate to the unique requirements of the applied requirements of design.
If you are purchasing from an existing owner, obtain a copy of the bylaws, the rules and regulations and the annual budget and financial statements.
When checked, sets the wizard to copy existing code files from their original directories (that are specified in the list box below this control) into the new project.
The object model supported single inheritance, which let users extend (specialize) an existing class without having to write it from scratch or copy it.
You can create a work item by using the new work item form, copy an existing work item and modify it, or create a work item that is automatically linked from an existing work item.
For more information on copying existing nodes, see copy existing nodes, copying existing nodes from One Document to Another, or copying Document Fragments.
It can either copy existing holes or shapes from a template or create new ones.
You can copy the title from your existing test case into this new manual test case.
You can easily copy resources from an existing resource or executable file to your current resource file.
You can easily copy resources from an existing resource or executable file to your current resource file.