OPP packing tape, double sided tape, masking tape, kraft tape, copy paper.
From there I would photocopy these sketches onto color copy paper, which is great for marker illustration.
Document printed on color copy paper can realize copy forbidden function in the common duplication machine.
Document printed on color copy paper can realize Copy forbidden function in the common duplicationg machine.
The onlooking office secretaries then joined in, and hurriedly brought an empty copy paper box to collect the babies.
Although it is not responsible for copy paper purchases, you require us to take the responsibility, I will obey your requirement.
Choose the corresponding sheet according to the above two points, using common printing paper or xerox copy paper print directly or can be.
Sheet can be set into the test without special paper and printing alone, just ordinary printing paper or copy paper, effectively reduce the cost.
In order for the output (humidity and base weight) in the copy paper process to approximate the given value as much as possible, PID controller of BP nerve network is used.
In his own way God had given me the words to reunite that family. He had guided me to the sheet of yellow copy paper covered with the anguished outpouring of a small boy's troubled heart.
In his own way God had given me the words to reunite that family. He had guided me to the sheet of yellow copy paper covered with the anguished8 outpouring of a small boy's troubled heart.
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other cop - ying or transfer papers (other than those of heading no. 48.09), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes.
Production of white copy paper and other forms of 'uncoated' paper has fallen about 38% since 1999, while demand for paper cups is growing as much as 5% a year, according to industry analysts.
This paper focuses on how to ensure the accuracy of the testing results when the image development property and the stability of the developed image to light of carbonless copy paper are tested.
Setting out from Bamboo, she discovered little "tricks" about printing with the copy paper, and organically combined it with dot matrix printing techniques, giving birth to the Dot Matrix Series.
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other cop - ying or transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed, in rolls or sheets.
If you plan to write letters or postcards to loved ones, copy their addresses on a piece of paper.
This big vertical space allows all members room to "storm" at the same time, but you might have to copy down the results onto paper later.
A certified copy comes with a raised seal, will have the signature of the concerned authority and will be on a security paper.
I looked carefully at the paper and saw that it was a copy of the paper I had written yesterday.
Kiernan's paper (I tracked down a copy) hints, right at the start, that its author knew neurosis intimately.
At the back of the version of Harry Markopolos’s brave paper currently making the rounds is a copy of an e-mail message, dated April 2, 2008, from Mr. Markopolos to Jonathan S. Sokobin.
现在正四处流传的这一版HarryMarkopolos的勇敢的信件的背面是一个邮件的复印件,日期显示为2008年4月2日由Markopolos先生寄给Jonathan S.Sokobin.
Whether it’s moving toward soft copy to save on printer paper or a killer idea to streamline your supply chain, now is the time to show management you understand the importance of the bottom line.
Whether it's moving toward soft copy to save on printer paper or a killer idea to streamline your supply chain, now is the time to show management you understand the importance of the bottom line.
Some people use paper to copy writing, others use it to write something such as letters, reports and articles.
Coincidentally, the psoriasis paper mentioned a recent study that linked SLE to low copy number of complement C4 genes.
If the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (3), to the application Form referred to in item (I).
If the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (3), to the application Form referred to in item (I).