For example, you might copy the files in the current directory to a tape using the command in Listing 4.
Before you continue, use your mouse to select and copy the directory that the last command showed.
You can either export the schema with the cqload exportschema command or copy the entire schema repository and provide that to your developers.
The big advantage of this code is that anyone can use the view Source command to view the script from the page and copy the code into their own pages.
With the copy command, parse it to the new logical volume, pluto_lv.
Then, I used the mirrorvg command to create an exact copy of the data on the new disk.
Note that the consistency group option is used in the mkpprcpath command to ensure a consistent point-in-time copy across all disks that are being mirrored.
The best way to copy in an entire directory is to use the find command (see Listing 12).
Once again, Advanced Copy Services for PowerHA provides added integration of the DS8000 into your IBM I environment, providing commands to configure and manage storage from the IBM I command line.
此外,PowerHA的AdvancedCopyServices还提供DS800到IBMi环境的额外集成,以提供命令来从IBM i命令行配置和管理存储。
Copy the sample RPG code the USES the generated stub code from the product samples directory to the current working directory by issuing the following command from the CL command line.
In DB2 LUW, you could also use ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command, typically after the restore of an online copy (using the restore DATABASE command), to apply data changes from recovery logs.
在DB 2LUW中,您还可以使用ROLLFORWARDDATABASE命令来应用恢复日志中的数据变更,这通常发生在还原一个联机副本之后(使用RESTORE DATABASE命令)。
To use it, you need to copy the omega command into your configured CGI-BIN directory, or into any directory configured to support CGI scripts.
为了使用它,需要将omega命令复制到配置好的CGI - BIN目录,或是其他配置好且能支持cgi脚本的目录。
The latter half is the cpio command to copy them into archive. By dissecting this, you get two options.
The first command in Listing 3 simply lists all the files starting with account_policy to confirm that there is only one copy.
清单3中的第一个命令简要列出了所有以 account_policy 开始的文件,以便确认只存在一份副本。
Listing 4 calls the SVN copy command via the SVN Ant task to copy all files from the brewery-1.0.0 tag to the branches location.
清单4通过SVNAnt任务调用了SVNcopy命令,以将brewery - 1.0.0标记中的所有文件拷贝到分支位置。
You can now use the db2val DB2 copy validation tool command to quickly verify that you correctly configured your installation of DB2 Express-C.
现在,可以使用DB2拷贝检验工具命令db2val 来快速检验 DB2Express-C的安装是否正确。
Having implemented this new vertical copy behavior inside LookUpwards , all that remains is to override the standard CTRL-Y command in Insert mode, using an imap.
在LookUpwards内部实现了这个新的纵向复制行为后,剩下的工作就是在Insert模式中覆盖标准的CTRL - y命令,使用下面的imap。
In-place; perl -i.bak makes a copy of the original file and appends.bak to distinguish it from its new, modified version. Therefore, a command such as.
perl - i命令在原地对file . txt进行修改,而perl -i.b ak则为原始文件建立一个副本,并在其名称后面添加.bak,以区别于新的、经过修改的版本。
If neither command assistance logging nor notifications is enabled, click the View administrative scripting command for last action link to retrieve, copy, and save the command.
Copy the AIX Schema file, aixSchemaForAD.ldif, to the Windows Active Directory server and run the followiing command to load the schema to the AD server.
将AIX模式文件aixSchemaForAD.ldif 复制到WindowsActiveDirectory服务器,并且运行下面的命令将该模式加载到AD 服务器中。
For example, it includes a shell (the program that provides a command prompt and lets you run programs), a program to copy files, a program to delete files, and many other odds and ends.
For example, to create a clean copy named output_file.txt.clean of a script output file named output_file.txt, you execute the command shown in Listing 1.
例如,要创建名为output _ file . txt的script输出文件的一个干净副本(名为output _ file . txt . clean),您执行清单1中所示的命令。
( in this case) and copy it to slave nodes. Then execute the following command to add the master's public key to the slaves' authorized keys.
64-bit switch load library: Copy /opt/IBM/mqsi/6.0/sample/xatm/db2swit64 to /var/mqm/exits64/db2swit (This command also renames the file to remove the 64 when installed to exits64.)
位交换加载库;将 /opt/IBM/mqsi/6.0/sample/xatm/db2swit64复制到 /var/mqm/exits64/db2swit(此命令还将重命名文件,以在安装到 exits64时删除 64)。
Here we copy the current arg, indexed by argno (which was initially set to 1, to point to the first actual arg after the command itself) to string var s1.
If you want to migrate to a command reference, and it has the same content model as the basic reference, then you can simply copy the reference model.
Having the script in one place is a lot more convenient than typing something like that on the command line over and over — and you can refer to it later, or mail someone a copy of it.
Because you want to find out what this command looks like when you specify a configuration ID, copy and paste the complete configuration ID of the cluster in response to this prompt.
This way, you could get a copy of all the new users added to the system every day. To do this, run the following command.
This way, you could get a copy of all the new users added to the system every day. To do this, run the following command.