The code could even be developed completely differently and could look similar. So even in copyright, which is much much better than patents, it can get nasty.
No doubt, Franklin would approve of open source and would likely side with critics of both software patents and copyright legislation run amuck.
He criticizes as obsolete the distinction between literary creativity, which is regulated by copyright, and mechanical creativity, which is regulated by patents.
The two Chinese companies were among more than 30 Internet and physical markets worldwide identified by the USTR for helping the illegal sale of goods or materials protected by copyright or patents.
根据该报告指出,这两家公司在30多个互联网和有型市场中被USTR确认为涉嫌帮助非法商品出售或出卖那些受到版权保护的作品 。
Intellectual property standards, especially patents and copyright, had negative effects or might have negative effects on the public domain.
Areas of expertise include trade marks, copyright, patents, designs, confidentiality, franchising and databases.
To study on parallel import of intellectual property goods, most of scholars focus on the domains of trade marks and patents, but few on copyright, and our legislation are blank.
The main intellectual property rights are copyright, patents, trade marks, design rights, protection from passing off, and the protection of confidential information.
The descriptions of educational establishments mentioned in the Schedule to this Order are specified for the purposes of Part I of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Intellectual property rights span a wide range of situations and products, although the most common rights are designs, copyright, patents and trade marks.
Legally, intellectual property includes patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and copyright.
The attorneys are entitled to deal with related areas of law such as designs, copyright and trademarks as well as patents.
The website offers knowledge of patents, trademarks, copyright, and industrial designs, integrated circuit topographies.
Rectify copyright violations related to video tapes, books and computer software, and investigate and deal with illegal activities related to counterfeited trademarks and patents.
Grean has applied for 4 software copyright and 14 patents, 9 of which are invention patents, 4 utility model patents, 1 design patent.
This is an Act to amend the Copyright Act, 1963, and the Patents Act, 1992, and to provide for related matters.
These Regulations amend rules about Computer Programs in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and its content include Transitional provisions and savings.
These Regulations amend rules about Computer Programs in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and its content include Transitional provisions and savings.