Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.
Statue in the Guadalquivir river, near La Mezquita, (Cordoba, Spain)
Argentina's third largest city, Cordoba, the provincial capital.
No, if I have to choose a place to live, I choose where I'm now: Cordoba.
My mom cooks in Cordoba , and sometimes also in Buenos Aires, because I bring her with me.
The coffin of Ana Fabricia Cordoba is carried by relatives and friends during her funeral in Medellin.
The Bank of Spain put CajaSur, a lender based in Cordoba, under a provisional administrator two days ago.
A city of southern Spain east-northeast of cordoba. It is a center for lead and silver mining. Population, 51,800.
The area Contains magnifiCent Moorish arChiteCture, inCluding the historiC towns of Seville, Granada, and cordoba.
Ivan Cordoba wins a duel with Pinardi then brings the ball out of the Nerazzurri box to neutralise a Lecce attack.
Colombian peace campaigner and former senator, Piedad Cordoba, has left the country after receiving death threats.
一名哥伦比亚和平活动家,前参议员Piedad Cordoba收到死亡威胁之后已经离开国家。
A Colombian peace campaigner and former senator, Piedad Cordoba, has left the country after receiving death threats.
一名哥伦比亚和平活动家,前参议员Piedad Cordoba收到死亡威胁之后已经离开国家。
These studios belong to the cordoba Province City of the Arts, a campus housing painting, sculpture, photography, and music schools.
Investor concerns about the euro area turned to Spain when the country's central bank took control of CajaSur, a small, troubled savings bank based in cordoba.
In the case of the Contemporary art Center in Cordoba, and Zaragoza as well, we designed a dynamic facade for artistic projections with the German group Realities: United.
A huge canopy extends from one side of this auditorium in the Spanish province of cordoba and folds over a riverside terrace, encouraging visitors to loiter around before and after performances.
A huge canopy extends from one side of this auditorium in the Spanish province of cordoba and folds over a riverside terrace, encouraging visitors to loiter around before and after performances.