This avoids cluttering up the core content with auxiliary material.
These courses will develop the material that can be fed into the core courses when appropriate.
A nuclear reactor produces electricity by heating up the radioactive material in its core, which then heats water to produce steam. That steam is used to turn turbines that produce electricity.
What's left over in the core, the radioactive material, will continue to give off heat for a long time.
The sun's upper layers will expand and lose material, and eventually the core will cool enough to become a white.
Once you start damaging the core, you are then releasing radioactive material into the coolant and thereby increasing the chances that something travels outside the reactor.
Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core of at least one reactor has been released.
In Chernobyl the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup hydrogen explosion and rupture of all containments propelling molten core material into the environment (a "dirty bomb").
Heat preservation material is the exterior of exterior wall thermal insulation system core material, its main function is to thermal insulation.
Is there a polyurethane polystyrene core material can not be compared, it is not burning rock wool.
The calculation of head reluctance deals with two conditions in which the core material permeability is real or complex.
Under shock load conditions the peak load can exceed the ultimate bending strength of the core material and fracture occurs, usually at the most highly stressed cross section area.
Use of materials and putting in top form and die out of the core material of choice.
The expansion graphite replaced acetylene black as electrical core material in dry battery.
Nanomaterial and nanotechnology will be the core material and core technology in new material and new technology.
In addition to this core material, the book includes a number of interesting applications of the subject matter to areas both within and outside the field of mathematics.
Three aspects on magnetic circuit design of MR devices including selection of magnetic core material, determination of magnetic field direction and magnetic circuit calculation were investigated.
Then we tested the photosensitivity of POF whose core material was copolymer of azo-benzene and poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) in experiment.
In view of some problems emerged in melting lose core process of low melting alloy in traditional lose core injection molding technology, a new type of water soluble lose core material was developed.
Also important is the minimum frequency that full power is possible - this indicates the amount of primary inductance and the quantity and quality of the core material.
Microcapsules are particles of a size between 1 and 1,000 microns consisting of a core material and defined thin shell wall.
Part of the "smart", aggrandizement wood consumer observed the lock is installation, "why not through door leave hole to characterize the core material purchasing aggrandizement wood?"
The core material (110) can be formed at low cost in following mode: penetrating glass wool provided with the glass fiber by using a needle to tangle and gather the glass fiber.
The covering material that encases the core of an optical fiber. the cladding material usually has a lower index of refraction than the core material and may be either glass or plastic.
The company also use core material solar energy components from own production to produce other particular application products projects.
The interface structure of composite consists of core material diffusion layer, chilling solidified layer, directional growth layer, and cellular granular layer.
There are lots of manufacture methods, but all these methods are to prepare core material first and then join them to skins.
The main content and achievements of the paper are briefly summarized as following:1, The performance of CFRP members is concerned with the colophony, core material and technics.
The main content and achievements of the paper are briefly summarized as following:1, The performance of CFRP members is concerned with the colophony, core material and technics.