The core competitive power of enterprise will be improved by building "psychological bargain".
The characteristic is the essence, the quality, the vitality, and it is the core competitive power.
Besides enterprises self - promoting, increasing of core competitive power needs competitive market.
The hospital culture is the core competitive power of hospital. There are many problems in the practice.
Facing the competition in information service market, the library must set up its own core competitive power.
Chinese civilization is the thing that we should be proud of and the core competitive power of Chinese brands.
The core competitive power of enterprises is based on the management of enterprise 'knowledge in the knowledge economy times.
Therefore, the cultivation and the promotion domestic enterprise's core competitive power, has the very important significance.
Along with the globalization of knowledge economy, the human ability resource becomes the first resource and core competitive power.
Therefore how to cultivate the core competitive power is become the hot spot of business management theory and the practice research.
The future competition between enterprises will be the competition of their culture, enterprise culture is the core competitive power.
The article finally also stressed, the enterprise in makes in the core competitive power process, must have the dynamic consciousness.
Setting up strategic alliance becomes an accelerator of the core competitive power in internationalized process of Chinese enterprises.
This paper discusses on the relation between the reengineering of the enterprise and the core competitive power, and puts forward so...
It has certain instruction and reference significance to analyze and appraise core competitive power of our country logistics enterprise.
How makes the enterprise core competitive power is in the last few years the theorists and one of business community comparison attention topics.
This paper expounds the important significance of creating the learning-type organization on increasing the core competitive power of enterprises.
Proposes the suggestion which stabilizes downstream supply chain through the strategic alliance and promoting enterprise's core competitive power.
At last, we discuss the theory of core competitive power strategy, analyzing the problem of how real estate maintaining the competition advantage.
According to the meaning and character of core competitive power of enterprises, the thesis gives us the principle on the design of indexes system.
Network brand, which is the key of competitions among enterprises in cyber economy era, is an externalization of the core competitive power of enterprises.
Corporate governance is an important systematic safeguard of enterprises to breed and develop their core competitive power in order to acquire competitive edge.
According to the view of evolvement economics, this paper tries to find the connotation of the core competitive power of enterprises from the Angle of economics.
Company at present market marketing, human resources, technical innovation, enterprise culture construction, enterprise core competitive power analysis and so on.
An enterprise whether in more and more intense market competition blooming, most important most essential is the enterprise whether has the core competitive power.
The core competitive power of an enterprise is decided by human being, Many successful CEO have said that the success of their enterprises is depend on their talents.
Improving entirety and core competitive power in China's sports insurance is for facing challenge of international sports insurance organization after China entering WTO.
Building the school into a study type organization means the return of the true nature of school and is the key to strengthening the core competitive power of the school.
Building the school into a study type organization means the return of the true nature of school and is the key to strengthening the core competitive power of the school.