Analyzing relation between EVA and Value Chain Accounting, the author thinks EVA will become core indicator of Value Chain Accounting.
Also it explains the outsourcing theory from the division of labor theory, comparative advantage theory, value chain theory, and core competence theory.
The value chain joined with enterprises, suppliers, distributors and customers became the core of competition between enterprises.
At present, the core competence of China's enterprises is not strong, only located in manufacturing chain that is the lowest profit and in the center link of value chain, and acting as the "worker".
It has reference value for decision-marker to make certain reasonable investment scale, plan decision and establish supply chain of the core competitive ability.
Then, the author states some core about the form of virtual value chain, optimization of value chain management.
This thesis begins with corporation mission of Charoen Pokphand Group to get the core competition of it, by using the means of value chain, exploring the increment burls of company.
Value chain management accounting emphasizes to optimize and control the value chain from the whole aim of value chain, in order to advance the core competencies of the enterprise.
The alliance should promote the related core competences surrounding technological innovation value chain and machinery service value chain.
This paper gives market opportunity identification, value chain analysis, core capability identification, partners' selection and management for the broker company.
The design of ane-commerce value chain, concerned about the limited number of core competencies, rather than a one-stop-shop solution.
The second part discusses the meaning and basic character of core competence, and believe it should exist in corporation's value chain.
In the paper, the point of enhancing enterprise's core competitiveness through expanding value chain extension, is still waited for further examination from the practice.
Therefore, this article researches the enterprise's core competitiveness based on the value chain.
This text analyses QA Co . LTD to carry on a research by core competencies theories, value chain theories, the SWOT analysis method, more analytical method.
Raymond international attaches great emphasis to advanced international management philosophy and quality control system to strengthen the core competitive ability of its industry value chain.
It is of great significance of thoroughly analysis the change of value chain structure and optimize it for enhancing corporation core competitive advantage.
According to its integrant ingredient and the theory of value chain, the indexes system used to measure logistics enterprise's core competence is designed and the measurement model is established.
But the focal points is put on how to set up and extend industry value chain especially on how to producing the core value, programme and brand.
But the focal points is put on how to set up and extend industry value chain especially on how to producing the core value, programme and brand.