He points out that the inevitable competition for corn by multiple consumers, including beef and dairy farmers, will drive the price of corn up.
He elaborates this by pointing out that the inevitable competition for corn by multiple consumers, including beef and dairy farmers, will drive the price of corn up.
So you have a mix here of 50% America's staple crops of corn, beans, wheat and sugar... 25% beef and pork... and 25% cocoa, coffee and cotton.
Even 100g of corn-fed chicken comes in with 129 calories and 4.8g of fat, compared with 135 calories but only 4.5g of fat in the same weight of a lean beef sirloin steak.
Feed lots, where beef it taken to be fattened up before slaughter, typically use corn as the fattening agent.
Marinate minced beef with salt, corn flour, ground white pepper and oil.
The breakfast that I cook for oneself today is to placing the Mexican decoct corn of broken egg, beef and cheese to coil.
It also takes 13 times more land use to produce the same amount of beef in grass-fed versus corn-fed.
It also takes 13 times more land use to produce the same amount of beef in grass-fed versus corn-fed.