The new story centers around a monster known as the Ickabog, a fierce child-eating monster who lives in the northern tip of an imaginary land known as Cornucopia and has super powers.
A Cornucopia of Environmental aggravation.
Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia.
To me, this grouping of stars looks like a bugle or a cornucopia.
WALK into almost any big supermarket in America and you will find a cornucopia of food.
The intermodal container has delivered a cornucopia of products to every corner of the globe.
Toronto's Chinatown offers visitors a cornucopia of shops, galleries, and dim sum restaurants.
We placed a plankton net in our rear, waited five minutes, and then hauled in a cornucopia of living things.
Yet once you get closer to month's end, Mercury will be on his best behavior and bring a cornucopia of rewards.
The army research center at Peenemünde, a village on the Baltic Sea island of Usedom, was a cornucopia of such ideas.
Zigzagging through a cornucopia of words, pictures, video and sounds, they say, distracts more than strengthens readers.
This is a state of forgetfulness of being, of fleeing, of being tranquilized by the cornucopia of objects surrounding us.
The cornucopia of data now available is a resource, similar to other resources in the world and even to technology itself.
It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories: calibre manages your e-book collection for you.
Admittedly, it will be hard not to just grab everything in sight, for you don't know when the cornucopia will open again for you.
Thanksgiving Greeting Cards are usually adorned with traditional Thanksgiving Day symbols like wreath, Turkey, cornucopia, pumpkin etc.
Also surprising was the cornucopia of other elements and molecules that Lcross scooped out of the Cabeus crater, near the Moon's South Pole.
This module defines a cornucopia of assertion methods, but rather than being extended, Ruby's TestCase class includes the assertion as a mix-in.
这个模块定义了许多断言方法,但是Ruby不对这个模块进行扩展,Ruby的testcase类以mix - in的形式包含assertion。
From the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the plants in this region get ready for the winter with a cornucopia of colors.
Long rows of tables display a cornucopia of cheeses, olives, oils and bright vegetables and fruits, honeys and jams, and of course Marseille soaps.
Knowing that your operating system won't restrict purchasing decisions opens up a cornucopia of choices that otherwise could not have been considered.
Some of the most well-known concert halls in the world, such as the Royal Festival hall, provide favorable venues for the cornucopia of performances in London.
ABSTRACT: Sotheby's and Hart Davis Hart will be offering rare collections of top Champagne alongside a cornucopia of other fine wine at their sales in late June.
摘要: 从六月中旬至下旬,苏富比和哈特拍卖行均将推出大批珍惜香槟佳酿和勃艮第名酒。
ABSTRACT: Sotheby's and Hart Davis Hart will be offering rare collections of top Champagne alongside a cornucopia of other fine wine at their sales in late June.
摘要: 从六月中旬至下旬,苏富比和哈特拍卖行均将推出大批珍惜香槟佳酿和勃艮第名酒。