In response, the plaintiffs argued that Wal-Mart's strong corporate culture led store managers to unconsciously abuse the discretion they were granted in uniform ways.
In theory, a higher standard of corporate-governance should result in a higher valuation, since listing in a well-regulated market shows a commitment from a company that it will not abuse investors.
Therefore, in order to change of corporate personality abuse of the present situation, the our country present disregard of corporate supplement and complete is imperative.
But with constant practice, there are many phenomenon, which abuse corporate personality. It demand to be regulated by law urgently.
The key of constructing disregard of the corporate personality lies in the comprehensive consideration of the scale, occasions, key factors adopted and the forbiddance of abuse.
For its special features, offshore company is more available to abuse corporate personality than domestic company.
Therefore, the abuse of corporate personality to change the status quo, deny that our current system of corporate personality to complement and improve the imperative.
Therefore, the abuse of corporate personality to change the status quo, deny that our current system of corporate personality to complement and improve the imperative.