This conclusion proves that the Market for Corporate Control of our country is effective in a certain extent.
Employees sharing corporate control will change the conventional shareholder-control model of corporate governance.
This paper mainly studies the issues concerning the corporate control and the protection of the minority shareholders.
External governance mechanisms are indirect tools of corporate control, while internal governance mechanisms are direct.
So called corporate governance, is some kind of distribution system of corporate control power and residual claim right.
Proxy contest, as a means of transference of corporate control, consists a key aspect on modern corporate control market.
The key problem in this thesis is to study the relation between corporate control of Hi-Tech companies and the performance.
By theoretically analyzing, we consider that we should maintain the mainstream status of market for corporate control theory.
The first is that the markets for corporate control and for senior managerial talent are much more liquid than they were 20 years ago.
Mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and buyouts are the most visible manifestations of the workings of the markets for corporate control.
The market for corporate control is composed of market environment, the main bodies in the market and the market adjustment mechanism.
The nature of corporate governance is to guarantee the arrangement of corporate control rights and the surplus corporate control rights.
Corporate control is the central problem of corporate governance, and different arrangement of control directly affects companies' behaviors.
This thesis employs event study and accountant study together to empirically study the performance of market for listed corporate control in China.
And analyze some factors that can affect the private benefits of corporate control of ultimate controlling shareholder of Chinese listed companies.
Corporate control is the central problem of corporate governance, and the main changes of control have a direct impact on the company's performance.
Though the excessive price of corporate control transfer is very high, it's not the holdback of advancing the efficiency of corporate control transfer.
Asset structure has close correlation with many classical financial theories, for example capital structure, dividend policy and corporate control theory.
Consequently, it is a must to build up a controlling mechanism in the enterprise. Thus the market for corporate control becomes a crucial way of management.
They did consider the relative merits of corporate control enjoyed by a private business owner versus the value of marketability for a listed stock (p. 372).
Contention for procuration, as a way of control power transfer on the market for corporate control, possesses unique connotations and distinctive characteristics.
The market for corporate control means such mechanisms as transforming the corporate control from the management to the guarantee of the interests of Stockholders.
The research on the market for corporate control began the study on the M&As activities(merger wave) and empirical researches are far more than theoretical researches.
This paper mainly studies the parent corporate control and the interest protection of subsidiary company creditors from the perspective of parent and subsidiary company.
But Yang Ruilong and Zhou Yean (Yang Ruilong, Zhou Yean, 1998) [4] believe that the dependency state of the corporate control does not mean the automatic transfer of control.
The study discovers:The evolvement of the market for corporate control shows the characteristics of fluctuant evolution and it almost develops synchronously with macroeconomic.
The second part includes the fifth to the eighth chapters, and analyzes the history, current status and relevant important regulations of China corporate control market in details.
The second part includes the fifth to the eighth chapters, and analyzes the history, current status and relevant important regulations of China corporate control market in details.