Chapter 3 focuses on Article 75 of the Corporation Law and the perfection of the system in China.
In 2003 the bill of "National University Corporation Law" was formally passed by the Japanese Diet.
There are many defects in corporation representative systems that are ruled by corporation law in practice.
There are huge amounts of documents concerning about the protection of company creditors provided by Corporation law.
For example, one-man corporation has acquired the qualification of legal person according to the new Corporation Law.
The revision of the corporation law should take compromise capital system and enforce the civil responsibility system.
Chinese Corporation Law has validated the legal person status of one-man companies and set up the regulations for such companies.
Derivative action, as an important measure for minority shareholder protection, has not yet been embodied by our Corporation Law.
The deeper reasons for these defects lie in the improper stock ownership structure and the drawbacks of "Corporation Law" in China.
Our new Corporation Law should adopt the eclectic authorized capital system in order to let more and more economies participate in …
The establishment system of corporation flaw is a important piece of content of the modification to the corporation law of our country.
The new Corporation Law has changed greatly on capital institution and set up a series of replaceable suitable substitutional defensive system.
These branches are (1) contract and commercial law, (2) tort law, (3) property law, (4) inheritance law, (5) family law, and (6) corporation law.
The system of acquisition of shareholders' letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law.
As one of a special behavior in company's daily management, corporation donation requires regulations by corporation law to reduce interest disputes.
Article 8 the conditions specified in the corporation law and the securities law shall be met when the listed company applies for issuing new shares.
The theme of this thesis focuses on subjects relating to the design of legal institution of corporation re-investment in the revision of corporation law.
One of the most important functions of the corporation law is to balance the internal authority and supply the legal protection to the interested parties.
Traditional Corporation Law took rentability as company's most important trait, and considered that the fist aim of a company is trying hard to make money.
The Chinese Corporation Law amended newly has established the institution of disregard of corporate personality with formal law which is original worldwide.
Modern corporation law not only admits that controlling shareholders have vantage ground on determining corporation affairs, but also restricts their action.
New corporation law of China modified the"statutory capital system"with a new system combining the"subscription capital system"and"statutory capital system".
In modern corporation law, the system of company's establishment holds the important status, each national's corporation law pays much attention to the system.
To apply the theory of multilateral ACTS of law to explain the relevant phenomenon in corporation law would have superiority to the corporate contractual theory.
The Shareholders' Derivative Suit is the important method that the Corporation Law entrusts the shareholder to defend the company legitimate rights and interests.
But the corporation law has not set down the corporate charter invalidity system, so that if corporate charter is invalid in practice and so on, we can not solve it.
The issue of how to reasonably pursue the liability of corporate directors when breaching the duty of care has been one of the important issues in American Corporation Law.
The issue of how to reasonably pursue the liability of corporate directors when breaching the duty of care has been one of the important issues in American Corporation Law.