You could make them vars as well, but it is more correct to have them as defs.
The test consists of 57 questions, and you need to get 58% (which is 33) of them correct to pass.
It's not always correct to think of it that way — we have to get into the theory of futures markets.
All 100 questions had be completed in 45 minutes, with a candidate needing 90 or more correct to pass.
It seems correct to attribute ten to him everything is will to power because to say this is already to endorse ten in some form.
Its large fiscal stimulus succeeded in preventing a depression in the 1990s after its bubble burst-and others are surely correct to follow today.
The theory was put to the test in 1901 by Mario Lazzarini, a mathematician who dropped 3408 needles to get a value of 3.1415929…, correct to the first six decimal places.
Considering non-fiction ebooks, such ebooks disseminate knowledge not pages, which means that it is not correct to evaluate the price of an ebook according to the number of its pages.
Fukuyama seems quite correct to grasp for this type of contingent theory, but I think he is wrong to believe that it cannot be formulated much more systematically, even mathematically.
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to refer to proxy mode services as deployments of existing services; there is no explicit reference to the ultimate receiver when a proxy mode service is set up.
Given the circumstances, his behaviour to Laura had been punctiliously correct.
Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.
This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.
Exposing historians tacit and intentional sexism, herstorians set out to correct the record—to show that women had held up half the historical sky.
Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.
He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.
Unit V of this book explains those errors in detail and shows you ways to correct them.
As long as the birds could see the Sun, no matter how their surroundings were altered, they went directly to the correct food box.
Now we want to correct these mistakes and work with other countries to get ourselves back on track.
Which of the following is correct according to the dialogue?
The Chinese, however, made efforts to correct for the errors that had plagued the British.
If the employees were already aware of their deficiencies before the evaluation period, however, they may be unable or unwilling to correct them.
A company's performance can be improved in some other way than by altering its pay system may be empirically correct but contrary to the consultants' interests.
She was treated beginning in 1990 with a revolutionary new therapy that sought to correct the defect at its very source, in the genes of her white blood cells.
Is it the government's responsibility to correct this or do people just need to buck up and change their lives in a way that turns these numbers around?
We should make allowances for our parents who might not know the correct way to express their love.
We should make allowances for our parents who might not know the correct way to express their love.