The invention relates to a sunlight corrugated plate which is a polycarbonate corrugated plate.
The structure and performance characteristics of shell heat exchanger with corrugated plate are introduced.
A new structural rail, corrugated waist rail is introduced. The waist of this rail is like corrugated plate.
This product adopts stainless steel corrugated plate, field assembly welding and into, has excellent strength.
The elastic characteristics of circular corrugated plate are obtained by using the perturbation and power series method.
Flow fields were simulated by mathematical software between two corrugated plates in a chevron-type plate heat exchanger.
In this paper theoretic and experimental researches on the heat and mass transfer on corrugated plate surfaces are carried out.
Nowadays, our company has some production lines and can supply two million square meters corrugated plate enough to be erected at same time.
The field fabrication of corrugated plate according to customer's requirement and market demand is provided, especially for large scale projects.
Satisfactory agreements have been obtained between the calculated and experimental values of outlet concentration in a corrugated plate separator.
The energy equation of the granular media flowing in the vibratory moving corrugated plate heat exchanger has been modified by the turbulence theory.
The plate type water heater using corrugated plate heat transfer enhancement technique possesses features of high efficient, compact, material saving and low cost.
Plate air preheater with corrugated plate as heat transferring elements, has solved problems above, which has been applied in petrochemical and chemical fertilizer unit.
According to bending stiffness formula of the flat plate, the idea of equivalent inertia moment is proposed, which constitutes a new second main stiffness formula for corrugated plate.
The results obtained provide a theoretical basis for the development and application of strengthening the heat transfer of granular media flowing in the corrugated plate heat exchanger.
The main contents of this paper were the studying of air-water medium corrugated plate heat exchanger flow resistance characteristics according to the principle of primary surface heat transfer.
An automatic machine which pastes the EPS and plastic hollow plate or corrugated board together was designed and developed to realize automation of tape pasting for various sizes of cushioning pad.
Secondly, the rusty corrugated guardrail plate should also be cleaned in time, and classified recovery.
The liquid chemical method was applied to modify the surface of polypropylene plate corrugated packing and the performance test was given to the modified packing.
A comparison and an analysis are made of the characteristics and situations of use of plate, corrugated tube and super conductive heat pipe exchangers.
Furnace and back-end enclosure wall all adopt membrane wall structure. The outside of tube wall is insulation material and is covered with trapezoid corrugated outer protection plate.
In the long run, the raw material of the corrugated beam guardrail plate should be chosen as the substitute of the new energy Here are the wave beam guardrail plate co.
Plate type or corrugated type should be based on the actual needs of the heat exchange places.
The strain in lengthwise direction of the corrugated steel web is close to zero, much smaller than that of the concrete plate.
Theoretical and experimental results of performance studies of flat plate solar collector with V-corrugated transparent insulator are presented in this paper.
Theoretical and experimental results of performance studies of flat plate solar collector with V-corrugated transparent insulator are presented in this paper.