UHECRs tend to collide with photons of the cosmic microwave background—pervasive radiation that is a relic of the early universe.
These variations caused minute differences in the temperature of the early universe, which we can see in the cosmic microwave background.
Without this data from the cosmic microwave background, we can still learn a whole lot about the Universe, including its age, the presence of dark matter and dark energy.
But the groups who are critical of his work say that this is not what the cosmic microwave background is like.
If multiple universes exist, they may collide with each other and leave behind signs in the cosmic microwave background radiation, researchers say.
If two universes had collided, the researchers say, it would have left a circular pattern behind in the cosmic microwave background.
The pattern of spots in the cosmic microwave background has a suspicious deficiency: there are surprisingly few big spots.
However, measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature suggest that its structure may have some systematic order.
Kashlinsky and colleagues first noticed the dark flow when studying the way gas in galaxy clusters interacts with the cosmic microwave background radiation.
The presence of dark energy has been independently backed up by measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the radiation left over from the big bang.
The theory of the big bang gained widespread support in the scientific community after Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965.
Brighter clusters-those with more hot gases-would be expected to have greater affects on the cosmic microwave background, and that's what the new study confirmed.
Mapping the cosmic microwave background is hard because the Milky Way itself shines quite brightly at these wavelengths, making the background hard to discern.
These gases scatter light from the cosmic microwave background radiation as it passes through the clusters, similar to the way Earth's atmosphere can scatter starlight, making some stars twinkle.
Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
The South Pole Telescope, which began scientific observations in 2007, surveys the sky for cosmic microwave background radiation, the "afterglow" of the Big Bang.
And Wilson and Penzias discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, physical evidence for the Big Bang, while fiddling with an antenna designed to catch radio waves bouncing off satellites.
Scientists studying the cosmic microwave background - that's the radiation leftover from the Big Bang - say they've detected something strange happening couple of billion light years from here.
Data from the Wilkinson microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) can show the minute temperature changes created as the cosmic microwave background radiation moves through gases in galaxy clusters.
The ultimate goal of the project is to map the cosmic microwave background, the electromagnetic leftovers of the universe's violent beginning.
That noise turned out to be the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the big bang fireball.
Usually, gas clouds in space have been warmed to at least 2.7 kelvin by the cosmic microwave background, the relic radiation left over from the big bang.
Launched in 2001, WMAP measures differences in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, the residual heat of the Big Bang that fills the Universe and appears over the whole of the sky.
The cosmic microwave background is apparent as the grainy structure towards the top and bottom of the image.
The imprint in question is in the cosmic microwave background (CMB).this is a bath of radiation that fills the whole universe.
The imprint in question is in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This is a bath of radiation that fills the whole universe.
And the prime evidence for dark energy doesn't come from the cosmic microwave background, either.
Other groups are looking for even earlier clues in the cosmic microwave background, the leftover radiation from the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago.
Cosmologists usually consider the dust-emitted microwaves to be "noise" that obscures their data, worth analyzing only to erase from their measurements of the cosmic microwave background.
It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology.