The result of analysis could provide the quantitative guide for the risk analysis and cost distribution.
The cost distribution, the target and method of control in restaurant enterprise are the starting point of this study.
Due to the great increment of land resources, it should be paid more attention to the equality of cost distribution in the land -expropriation.
Aiming at the problem of software system reliability and cost distribution, an optimal model for software component cost distribution based on reliability is proposed.
Aiming at the problem of software system reliability and cost distribution, an optimal model for software component cost distribution based on reliability is proposed.
CashAccount can help you manage cash better, it is very simply to use, you can very intuitive to know your cash flow and cash cost distribution, it is a good helper of household expenses.
这是一款帮助您更好的管理您的现金使用的软件,他简单,易用。 他能很直观的告诉您现金去向和现金花费分配,是处理家庭开销的好帮手。
Alternate distribution of auxiliary production cost is the key link of auxiliary production cost distribution teaching which is included in teaching of cost accounting. It's also a difficult point.
Diesel will cost more, but petroleum-based diesel sells in America for 57 cents a litre before distribution costs and tax, so there should be room for profit.
A cost estimation that assumes normal data distribution may not best reflect the real cost of a query when different parameters are used.
In this case, the optimizer USES a generic rule or a default value to estimate an average cost by assuming normal data distribution.
What is the cost reduction associated with this distribution?
It may be cheaper for a firm to sell the two goods together, because of cost savings on distribution.
Buying large brewers brings the volume needed to offset the high fixed cost both of breweries and distribution networks.
Film studios make the majority of revenues from DVD distribution of their productions, but that same DVD, because of its essentially digital nature, can be copied and recopied endlessly, at no cost.
It is referred to as "zero-priced" software, which means there is no cost for distribution in most cases.
In the case of donated goods, therefore, it is essential that the cost of transport, and associated logistics (warehousing, distribution etc.), be covered, if they are to accept the goods.
TTE will instead concentrate on producing TV sets to be sold by other companies, with none of the cost of support and distribution that a brand requires.
The bottlenecks and cost structure of conventional publishing and distribution channels are removed, and previously passive consumers become authors, active collaborators, and content creators.
Besides the powerful purchase and supply chain, Kafoul still founds the logistics distribution center that realizes door to store distributing, cost saving and wealth expressing.
If the first distribution you pick doesn't feel right, there are plenty more out there to try, and most won't cost you a penny.
Either you have to cut price (and that implies a commensurate cut in the cost structure) or you have to cut distribution to restore the exclusivity of the brand.
The price of an illegal substance is determined more by the cost of distribution than of production.
Since the cost of digital distribution is almost zero, the thinking goes, cinemas ought to gamble on more obscure products.
Publishers argue that printing and distribution represents a small proportion of the total cost of making a book.
电子书倒底值多少钱仍存争议。 而出版商辩称印刷、分销书籍的成本只占总成本很小的一个比例。
Natural search is a vitally important distribution option for Internet services that can’t rely on viral distribution because it can provide the same kind of massive consumer exposure at no cost.
Precise state of charge (SOC) of traction battery is a key factor for power distribution of HEV power system, total control of vehicle and cost reduction.
Costing more reasonable use of the standard distribution cost, not only be more accurate costing, cost management has also brought innovation and organizational optimization.
External hard drives, however, offer the most flexibility for a general purpose Linux distribution at a reasonable cost.
External hard drives, however, offer the most flexibility for a general purpose Linux distribution at a reasonable cost.