This would cover the cost of making all twelve shows in the first season for the first year.
In 1989 the price of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the cost of production.
I need to obtain a part-time job because my mother's income can not cover the cost of my school fees.
Many of these groups require students to pay a fee of several thousand dollars to set them up with a job, while others award fellowships that help cover the cost of housing and living expenses.
And as tolls rise, it will be increasingly clear on the busier routes that tolls are high enough to cover the cost of new construction.
With the cost of education rising every year, federal student loans and grants tend not to cover the entire cost of education.
Grants usually help to cover other expenses such as the cost of metered water and public liability insurance.
It may also cover the cost of a plan to create "green corridors" between tiger habitats, allowing the cats to cross-fertilise their isolated gene pools.
Some universities want to offer their students a better education than they do now, and must charge more to cover the cost of delivering it.
His only blog revenue comes from selling advertising links to help cover the cost of his servers, which handle more than 20,000 visitors daily.
His only blog revenue comes from selling advertising links to help cover the cost of his servers, which handle more than 20, 000 visitors daily.
Walsh said fares would "have to" rise in order to cover the cost of a global trading scheme.
He observes that hospitals are already gobbling up independent doctors' practices at a record rate. In doing so, they often promise to preserve doctors' salaries and cover the cost of getting EMRS.
The increase in to cover the cost of a short-term loan I have to get to stay in business while you wait and make sure.
He claims the water, electricity and time savings can cover the cost of the device in 11 days.
The energy company's output fell by 11% in the quarter, partly because it has had to sell some oilfields and refineries to help cover the cost of its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Disney will shoulder about 43 percent of the initial cost, and its partner, Shanghai Shendi Group, a consortium of state-owned companies, will cover the balance.
Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.
Some analysts said the buying was driven by speculation that Japanese insurance companies and other investors would sell foreign assets to cover the cost of rebuilding after the earthquake.
The extra items sold must make enough profit at least to cover the cost of the additional time spent in selling them.
While insurers usually do not cover the cost of mobile devices like the iPad because they are not medical equipment, in some cases they will pay for the applications that run on them.
The classes in Jodhpur were both Shobha's passion and her delaying tactic, but Veerni support runs only through high school; to stay on and cover the cost of college, Shobha needed a donor.
Luckily for affected customers, Sony promises to "cover the cost of repair (parts and labor) at no charge during the first four years following the date of purchase of the models in question."
Buller gets to keep $50 of the savings and pays the balance to SunRun, which uses it to cover the cost of buying the solar system and hiring a contractor to install and maintain it.
BERLIN - European aerospace giant EADS is demanding another 6.4 billion euros ($9 billion) from client countries to cover the rising cost of the Airbus A400M military plane, Germany said Jan. 28.
We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port.
Mr DeLong caps his blogging at 90 minutes a day. His only blog revenue comes from selling advertising links to help cover the cost of his servers, which handle more than 20,000 visitors daily.
Apart from offering an appealing display, each had to be ready to stump up $28.8m to cover the cost of preparing and transporting the winged spacecraft to its new location.
He claims the water, electricity and time savings can cover the cost of the device in 11 days. But creating the device was far from easy, Ostwal told the Economist recently.
He claims the water, electricity and time savings can cover the cost of the device in 11 days. But creating the device was far from easy, Ostwal told the Economist recently.