The configuration is simple and the cost of manufacture is lower. The technics is better. The maintenance is convenience.
The compound possesses the low side effect, steady chemical biology nature, low cost of manufacture, and broad adaptability.
Meanwhile, the cost of manufacture is much lower than foreign produce, so it stands in a good place according to the compare of price and capability.
With the invention of the short fiber Photocatalyst may effectively increase the surface area of reaction, reduce cost of manufacture and can be reused.
Many parts are made of sheet metal in sheet metal product, this framework can both decrease the weight of the equipment and reduce the cost of manufacture.
Because the cutter blade can be repeatedly welded, the cost of manufacture can be reduced by about more than 40%, and the commercial value is very considerable.
The invention is provided with features of compact circuit structure, reasonable general arrangement plan, low cost of manufacture and high operation reliability.
Many parts are made of sheet metal in electric equipment, this framework can both decrease the weight of the electric equipment and reduce the cost of manufacture.
Analyze and make improvements to day-to-day production activities in order to achieve maximum utilization of resources, high product quality and low cost of manufacture.
The utility model has advantages of simple structure, convenient mounting or dismounting, easy maintenance, low cost of manufacture, reduced vibration and low noises, etc.
Several kinds of rotor cast can be manufactured on one die by changing a paneling, so the ratio of utilization of the mould is raised, and the cost of manufacture is lowered.
Because the prototype blood pump still immaturity, for saving the high cost of manufacture and experiment, it has the very important meaning with the design of the experimental blood pump.
This process is joint Lou broke traditional tin soldering shop, greatly reduce the cost of manufacture process, the difficulty, shorten the production cycle, and improve the welding joint intensity.
Specifically, ADA will create a high performance, cost effective and easy-to-manufacture lithium-ion battery that meets the power generation and storage requirements of military UAS.
The original cost of fixed assets manufactured or constructed by an enterprise itself shall be the actual expenses incurred in their manufacture or construction.
Assembly is the end of manufacture process, assembly quality affect product's performance in high degree, and assembly cost is a big part of the manufacture cost.
The optimum design of shell surface structure is often used in pressure vessel manufacture to reduce the cost.
Improving the quality and reducing the cost of newsprint by using fillers are the trend in newsprint manufacture.
Panasonic is tackling low-cost competitors head on with plans to manufacture cheaper white goods in the countries where they will be sold, according to its head of overseas operations.
松下(Panasonic)海外业务主管大月均(Hitoshi Otsuki)表示,该公司计划在多个国家生产面向当地市场的更廉价白色家电,迎击低成本竞争对手的挑战。
The costs of the network advertisement consist of the manufacture cost and the management one.
For the sake of reducing cost, shortening period of design, manufacture, in - stalling and debugging, standard impact molding system has been exploited.
The aim of this program is an annual five percent (5 %) cost reduction on the Equipment and Parts prices, manufacture delivery and Services.
The process plan is the technology foundation of part machining, and takes guidance for the part manufacture, and decides the productivity and the manufacturing cost of the part.
The materials, such as calcium carbonate, cellulose powder, are often used as additives in manufacture of polyurethane leather for reducing the cost and improving the properties of products.
The utility model has the benefits of low manufacture cost and easy installation.
By using combined weld operating technique, not only ensured the requirement of weld quality, but also reduced the cost and period of manufacture.
Then, from the principle request of value law, the manufacture cost of urban commercial dwelling is analyzed by means of cost methods.
Then, from the principle request of value law, the manufacture cost of urban commercial dwelling is analyzed by means of cost methods.