The thesis in chapter 4 brings forward the idea of making use of the method of Activity-Based Costing to calculate the cost of processing returned goods.
在第四部分,本文创造性的提出运用作业成本法(Activity-BasedCosting, ABC)核算退货处理成本的思路,并用例子分析了作业成本法在退货管理决策中的运用。
The thesis in chapter 4 brings forward the idea of making use of the method of Activity-Based Costing to calculate the cost of processing returned goods.
在第四部分,本文创造性的提出运用作业成本法(Activity-BasedCosting, ABC)核算退货处理成本的思路,并用例子分析了作业成本法在退货管理决策中的运用。