Controls inventory, analyses product cost, compares and tracks the cost saving program.
Ensure careful management of HR budget and costs and look for cost saving opportunities.
For all case study winners, ROI centered on business benefits with concrete cost saving Numbers.
Production cost saving due to reduced system down-time using the new techniques are indicated.
Most of the cost saving comes at the launch stage. Unlike conventional satellites, they don? T.
The results show that the reconstruction is successful on both economic and technical norms and cost saving.
The system incorporated some cost saving components including the MOS Technologies 6502 processor and dynamic RAM.
Obama proposes paying for an increase in Medicare doctors' pay through other cost saving adjustments in the program.
Sensitive conception of purchase cost saving, and make sure purchase activity strictly in line with purchase procedure.
This paper analyzes the difference of transactions cost saving between traditional organizations and virtual organizations.
Graham Charters: Yes, there are cost saving to be made and being able to clearly articulate this was one of the goals of the model.
As network services became increasingly complex and network - intensive, customers wanted to select the services for cost saving.
In one year my plan saved the company over one million dollars and I've been asked to work on other cost saving projects as a result.
Power system active power economic load distribution model is established in terms of the minimum consumption and maximum cost saving.
We are in receipt of your offer for 20 robots today. On the purpose of cost saving, we think it will be more appropriate for us to cover insurance.
This cost saving is due in part to a decrease in the number of laboratory tests requested and medical consultations obtained, as well as pharmaceuticals dispensed.
Besides the powerful purchase and supply chain, Kafoul still founds the logistics distribution center that realizes door to store distributing, cost saving and wealth expressing.
To ensure the feasibility of conceptual-structure design and its cost saving, the tolerance design was set in the conceptual design stage and its key technologies were studied.
Integrates corporate strategic goals into Purchasing strategic goals, identifies annual cost saving target, and leads the implementation to ensure the achievement of corporate goals.
In this Forum, we will emphasize on sharing how to realize various kinds of potential cost saving in business travel management project, and strategies to optimize business travel cost control.
At last, we decided that all three of us would give up sugar toward saving the cost of his keep.
The cost we project for saving civilization would amount to less than $200 billion a year, 1/6 of current global military spending.
Yet the cost we project for saving civilization would amount to less than $200 billion a year, 1/6 of current global military spending.
While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they are not effective, primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.
Cost-saving strategies to stretch your training budget.
The oxygen steelmaking process, for example, was developed in Austria, but Nagano and his colleagues were quicker to appreciate its quality and cost-saving features than their Western rivals were.
For applications that do not need to support high volume transactions, XSL transformation can provide a quick, easy, and cost-saving solution.
Competition has also led the airlines to adopt a variety of cost-saving measures.
This personalized medicine therefore sounds like a very good thing - maybe even a cost-saving thing.
This personalized medicine therefore sounds like a very good thing - maybe even a cost-saving thing.