It spreads quickly once tiny beads of fluid enter your body, often from a sneeze, cough, or kiss. There are hundreds of viruses that can cause a cold; you can never build up immunity to all of them.
With a cough of blue smoke the diesel engine fired up and the driver wasted no time in crunching it into gear and thrusting it out amongst the blaring horns of midday London traffic.
It would have taken me forever, but dad said he'd cough up the money I need since I'm going to be using the computer for my school work.
Even closer to home, Mars has yet to cough up another meteorite bearing bacterial traces to confirm the controversial one described in 1996 (or, at least, we have yet to find it).
But the William Blair study concludes that even if it has to cough up more tax, Amazon will still be able to offer prices that are lower than many rivals'.
This case eventually led to Facebook having to cough up millions of dollars to resolve litigation brought against it for violating their privacy.
The baby formula is locked up because thieves resell it on the black market. Ditto for the cough and cold medications, smoking-cessation products, razor blades, and batteries.
Sara, hi, how's it going? I have to pick up some cough medicine for my husband. He has a bad cough.
It is a horror that stays with a person for the rest of his life: the desperation, the frustration, the realization that one has to cough up mounds of knowledge that one does not even possess.
It is a horror that stays with a person for the rest of his life: the desperation, the frustration, the realization that one has to cough up mounds of knowledge that one does not even possess.