It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.
His parents were very angry and told him several times not to play football at home because he could break something, but he never listened.
How do you take plant fibers that individually you could break with your hands and turn them into a rope that's strong enough to moor a ship that weighs thousands of tons?
The coalition could break down before the five years expire.
Greenland's ice sheet could break up if the temperature rises by as little as 2c.
Renewed opposition to offshore drilling could break the various constituencies apart.
Forcing that kind of cooperation among turf-jealous academics could break a lot of logjams.
强迫嫉妒心重的科学家进行合作可以打破许多僵局。 “有成千上万的研究者在研究同一事物。”
Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures.
You could break up the day into intervals, each of which has a different rate for token creation.
If any of these classes change, various, seemingly non-related parts of the application could break.
Future miners living and working on the Moon could break down ilmenite to liberate these elements.
The new country could break down in civil conflict along the unsettled northern border or within itself.
The euro could break apart. Greece is the immediate problem, but the sickness has spread much wider.
Europe is where the crisis now has its locus, amid fears that the single currency could break apart.
Africa could break into the global market for light manufacturing and services such as call centres.
And in a fund where even 1% of the assets have no buyers, says Crane, "the fund could break the buck."
Last night I saw a program about a bank, and they showed how you could break into it through the roof.
Pay to win the return, this is the eternal truth, since ancient times, few people could break through it.
I need somebody else to look at the application and try to learn how it could be used, and how it could break.
The big breaks they've been hoping for could break them up for good... unless their love can truly go the distance.
Senator Robert Byrd, who was handling the proposal, was adamant that if we didn't bend, we could break the filibuster.
Knowing that you could break up your workouts into a few 10-minute sessions, does the lack-of-time excuse start to lose its allure?
The justice of the peace may not show up, the caterer's oven could break down or the reception hall might reserve the wrong date.
In the worst case, if the imports are concrete classes and their behavior changes, then the class doing the importing could break!
All right, Madam. It's Ok. There is hardly any water in the radiator. It's dangerous, Madam! You could break down because of the heat, you know.
You could break a steam generator tube, you could break an instrument line and you could have a spectrum of pipe breaks in a BWR inside of containment.
"I looked up what some of the weakest records were," Whittaker said. "I'm not going to break the 100-meter dash record, but I thought I could break this record."
"I looked up what some of the weakest records were," Whittaker said. "I'm not going to break the 100-meter dash record, but I thought I could break this record."