The life sunset of mother, could it be said that is encumbrance of your livings or careers?
I want a simple happiness only, does this pick require that such is could it be said that difficult?
Can the affection between men and women just play could it be said that with what to judging coming?
Ah, think of the original difficult life, could it be said that we should not have pure adoration and benedictory prayer in hearts?
Does one people feel wronged before the purpose asking for perfection going to a neighbour city wants to forget could it be said that only?
Experts said that whether or not Apple loses this specific case, measures that it could put into place in the future will almost certainly be able to further limit the government's reach.
Even Mark Twain, a man who enjoyed a hearty laugh, said that when it came to photographic portraits there could be "nothing more damning than a silly, foolish smile fixed forever".
"' on the assembly line, people can sit and work for eight or ten hours without rest, 'he said.' If only we could learn that way, how good it would be! '".
It could perhaps be said that the attraction or admiration some of us occasionally have towards those with wealth may have partially evolved from this dynamic.
She also said that further information could be added, such as what the requests to related to - whether it was surveillance, a libel issue or whatever.
However, it could be that over time as people struggle with poverty and environment "they come to accept the higher weights," Brownell said.
"This suggests the possibility that a treatment like this could be tested to see if it could delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease," said Prof Holtzman.
It could be that people of different ethnic backgrounds carry distinct genes that help them live to 100, he said.
Of more than 250 experts surveyed, more than half said the 2c target could still be achieved but only 18 thought that it would be.
“The camera has a built-in optical image amplifier that overcomes the tradeoff between sensitivity and speed, ” he said. “It could be especially useful for microscopy.
I described my type of gardenia to the flower sellers. Someone said that it did have appeared before, but hardly could it be found now.
That being said, with a little work, it could be a great app for a ton of music.
He said the widely accepted theory that when a volcano's magma chamber cools it could be years before it heats up with fresh magma could be wrong.
Several players at the Sudirman Cup from lower-ranked nations said the Chinese players could not be blamed for raising the bar and that it was up to the rest to try to catch up.
He acknowledged that the show could be cruel and frivolous, but said that it ultimately celebrated the triumph of the individual over the state.
“It could be that people who gossip a lot think they have social support, but they don’t actually, ” Dr. Cole said, noting that previous research shows people tend to dislike and mistrust gossips.
"It is probable that habitat fragmentation has separated the giant panda population inhabiting this region, which could be as low as 35 individuals," said Xu.
Cappuccio said it was possible that longer sleeping could be related to other health problems such as depression or cancer-related fatigue.
Cappuccio said it was possible that longer sleeping could be related to other health problems such as depression or cancer-related fatigue.