He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.
In this instance, the farmers and agronomist are looking to specialized software to give them an accurate plant population count.
The software completes its processing in under 15 minutes producing a plant population count map.
"Watch an evening's worth of TV and count how many times you hear music in the background," says Jeremy Lascelles, chief executive of Chrysalis.
“你可以看上一晚上电视,数数自己一共听到了多少首背景音乐。” “蝶蛹”的总裁杰里米·拉斯赛尔说。
This concept appears in manufacturing where they count both scrap and inventory.
It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force.
We know that the zero does not count as a node, if per se I actually had managed to hit zero in drawing that, the correct answer would be the bottom one there.
272 tornadoes swept the nation in the first half of this month – already breaking the all-time twister-count for April.
They have to distinguish between words in upper and lower-case letters or even harder, they had to count the number of syllables in different words.
My chairperson told me that if I did independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course; they would count as intermediate-level courses.
For the rest of 2009, you can count on the planet Jupiter to mark Capricornus' whereabouts in the sky for you.
The transaction, which is expected to close in the third quarter in 2010, will boost Hurray's share count by 19%.
Her family has owned 60 acres of pasture in Pennsylvania for decades, which she does not count in calculating expenses, and her horses spend their days grazing outside unless it is too cold.
The bureau states there has been an increase in incidents every year since they began keeping count in 2004.
He says the "rig count" in the natural gas market - an indicator of production - supports a possible price rise, but warns inventories are high and demand weak.
The count in Table 1 has been approximated somewhat since I experimented a bit with my code.
Normally.net allocates up to the minimum thread count in threads as soon as needed. From them on, no more than 2 threads per second are created until you reach the maximum thread count.
In 1920 rural politicians felt so threatened by the burgeoning cities that they held back reapportionment until the next count, in 1930.
If this program is run on a uniprocessor or unloaded multiprocessor system, each thread prints out close to the same for loop iteration count. In one run, the program printed.
The entry count (in this case 26, or 0x001a) is followed by the actual constant pool data.
If you delete a file that has a link count greater than 1, the link count in the inode is reduced by 1, but the file is not deleted until the count goes to 0.
To avoid any division by zero or overflow, transform all division into multiplication and check for the sign (horizontal lines with Y2=Y1 do not count in the algorithm)
要避免任何数与0 相除或溢出,将所有除法转换为乘法并检查运算符号(Y2=Y1的水平线不会计入算法)
In all about 5m Darfuris, out of a population of 6m at the last official count in 2002, are either in camps or are relying on aid to survive.
The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.
Note: These parameters count in the NUMBER of parameters clause but they do not appear as parameters of the federated procedure.
Applications are using product packaging information, such as the expected units count in a case, to ensure counting errors are not made in the packaging process.
Note that with a small change, one could count in how many cycles a given row participates.
Some feel their countries are too small to count in the world, so seek a share of a European superpower.
In one test, documents were left in the Inbox, while in the second test, we limited the number of documents in the Inbox to 25 percent of the total document count in the mail file.
In one test, documents were left in the Inbox, while in the second test, we limited the number of documents in the Inbox to 25 percent of the total document count in the mail file.