Separating off the law from faith, separating off the law from promise is counter intuitive in Jewish theology at the time.
The performance characteristics of different containers can be quite counter intuitive, so measuring is specially important here.
The only reason you want to minify is to reduce download time by decreasing the file size of the download, so this is counter intuitive.
At first glance, it may seem counter intuitive to set the QoS on the subscription; specially, when the QoS for each message is set by an MQTT publisher.
So, that's especially maybe a counter intuitive thing, but something is moving. And at that time, it's actually stopped. Now, let's see, so that's the vector. And, it's useful.
Srini Pillay, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, believes this counter-intuitive link between downtime and productivity may be due to the way our brains operate.
These results seem counter-intuitive.
However, structuring ourselves into networks can be counter-intuitive, and assembly of teams and sub-teams can often be a daunting task.
Only a fool will persist in adhering to a rule or set of directives when its application is clearly counter-intuitive and even disastrous.
That's the obvious, intuitive answer. But the less obvious - the counter-intuitive approach of working less and taking more breaks - gets better results.
Economists have usually explained poor people’s counter-intuitive disdain for something that might make them better off by invoking income mobility.
Companies that are wiling to take risks and try counter-intuitive leadership tactics often gain an edge over those competitors, Useem says.
The trouble was, it seems the no branching rule seems very counter-intuitive.
You can work around some of them, resulting in counter-intuitive schema designs; you might handle the others with code in programming languages.
Take breaks: This might seem counter-intuitive but working without ever taking a break or relaxing is a recipe for burning out.
To explain this counter-intuitive finding, Dr Carr looked at the energy expenditures behind running and walking on Earth and on the moon.
I know this seems counter-intuitive, but volunteering to help others out gives you a different perspective on your life.
This can seem counter-intuitive when the problem is perceived as one of simple linear scalability.
It may be counter-intuitive to think that China's high-technology future depends on its countryside – but not if you believe in market principles.
But the idea that it might instead have shrunk people's horizons is truly counter-intuitive. Yet that is what Jacob Goldenberg and Moshe Levy of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem suspect.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but adherence to strict standards improves flexibility by improving interoperability and reducing dependencies in the network.
On population control, he makes the good (if counter-intuitive) point that improvements in infant mortality are an important part of the solution.
Throughout nature, only humans appear to use money so it may seem counter-intuitive that our use of money has an animal parallel.
Now, this may seem very counter-intuitive when you're in the middle of a choking sea of awfulness, but the only way out is to admit you're terrified.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but if you don't save before you begin paying down debt, you'll struggle to cope with unexpected expenses.
Dealing with climate change, they argue, might be much cheaper and simpler than everyone seems to think-the type of counter-intuitive conclusion for which they have become known in other fields.
It may be counter-intuitive, but a diet full of beans equals a beach-ready body.
This finding appeared highly counter-intuitive and psychologists were soon hard at work trying to replicate it.
This finding appeared highly counter-intuitive and psychologists were soon hard at work trying to replicate it.