Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange, NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market.
The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets, where ETFs, foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade.
After the trade fair has finished or the lease of the counter has expired, the consumer may also demand compensation from the organizer of the trade fair or the lessor of the counter.
Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange, NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market.
But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive.
Our hedge fund was bearish on the macro landscape, but positioned for a counter-trend upside trade heading into that fateful day.
Trying to stop this process with trade barriers will ultimately prove counter-productive, with the cost showing in reduced growth and welfare for all countries.
This paper analyzes the advantages of direct trade expansion and its possible difficulties, and suggests some relevant counter-measures.
The question is put forward for one reason that the fact of the abuse of Antidumping Law has run counter to its purpose, and effected the free trade and fair competition much negatively.
However, abuses of safeguard measures in practice, not only run counter to original purposes of WTO legislature, but also exert negative effects on international trade seriously.
The paper briefly present the circumstances of World Trade Organization (WTO) and analyse an impact on China tungsten industry after China joining WTO. At last, put forward some counter measures.
The U. s. has laws restricting bucket shop practices by limiting the ability of brokerage houses to create and trade certain types of over-the-counter securities.
International Swaps and derivatives Association is a large global trade organisation of companies who trade in private and over-the-counter derivatives.
They express, after Microsoft puts forward to trade, the Yahoo in 3 months did not undertake counter-bid.
Latter expresses, after Microsoft puts forward to trade, the Yahoo in 3 months does not have counter-bid.
Latter expresses, after Microsoft puts forward to trade, the Yahoo in 3 months does not have counter-bid.