Countrywide Bank is part of Countrywide Financial Corp, the largest mortgage lender in the United States with a big stake in the troubled subprime mortgage market.
The bank is fighting lawsuits and credit problems related to its ill-fated acquisition of home mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp three years ago as the U.S. housing bubble burst.
或是时运不济,三年前美国银行在房地产泡沫破裂之时收购了家庭抵押贷款型公司—美国国家金融服务公司(Country wide Financial Corp),目前正官司缠身,面临信用问题。
The bank is fighting lawsuits and credit problems related to its ill-fated acquisition of home mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp three years ago as the U.S. housing bubble burst.
或是时运不济,三年前美国银行在房地产泡沫破裂之时收购了家庭抵押贷款型公司—美国国家金融服务公司(Country wide Financial Corp),目前正官司缠身,面临信用问题。