The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.
The most obvious way universities can help develop global workforce is by encouraging students to study abroad as part of their course.
The Chinese course has been taught at this Italian school for 5 years, and 145 of its 910 students have chosen to study Chinese.
During the course of this exhaustive study, Reznikova has grown so attached to her laboratory ants that she feels she knows them as individuals—even without the paint spots used to mark them.
I plan to take Russian course this semester to get on with the study of second foreign language.
MIT Comparative Media Studies offers both undergraduate degree opportunities and a two-year course of study leading to an SM degree.
Hampshire College has no formal majors. Instead, with guidance from your professors you choose and plan your own course of study.
If you are reading the resume of a newly minted graduate, take a little time to discover what that person really learned in his or her course of study.
Parents feared that Gymnasien, where the course of study had already been shortened from nine years to eight, would be crippled by the loss of two more.
MIT Comparative Media Studies offers both undergraduate degree opportunities, as well as a two-year course of study leading to an SM degree.
Travel the world. On top of being a fantastic journey, it can also connect to your academic course of study.
Your best bet is to get started with one or two of the well-recommended guides to SCJP 1.2, but use the above list of changes to SCJP 1.4 to tailor your course of study.
最佳的学习方案是先阅读一两本倍受推崇的SCJP 1.2指南,但是请使用上面的SCJP 1.4变化列表来调整您的学习内容。
When you do a masters course you need to really think ‘how does this course of study take me forward?’
Get the degree: Whether you get your degree in business, marketing, or psychology, make sure to follow a well-rounded course of study that includes mathematics, statistics, and economics.
In one sense, all of you are here today because you were approved by the admissions office of Hamilton to pursue a course of study, which is now over.
The Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture offers an accredited five-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA).
There are some eligibility criteria are also there regarding the eligible course of study.
At the same time, the London School of the University of Liverpool in the course of study will lead you into one of the world's largest financial center - London.
A certificate offers a shorter course of study than a degree.
The personage inside course of study points out, group purchase industry overall shrinkage tide lurking behind the is capital predicament and crisis management.
Interrelationships are key to this course of study the emphasis is on how the physical, biological, and chemical processes at the earth's surface affect each other.
Having acquired necessary skills by e. g. undergoing a course of study .
The personage inside course of study thinks, because the thermal power enterprise loss-making, denitration market or are not expected so optimistic.
ELPC is a six (6) level course of study that is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced language learners.
Look only from this data, Chinese net swims the own development capacity of course of study is not weak.
Our daughter is going to college (ie starting a course of study at a university or a college) in the autumn.
Our daughter is going to college (ie starting a course of study at a university or a college) in the autumn.