She will take soundings of the people's wishes before deciding on a course of action.
The status quo can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive outcome.
As a result of the above problems, therefore, we feel that the most suitable course of action is to return to you unpaid any of the goods considered unsatisfactory.
Then, make sure you have a good discussion about the best course of action to take in case of emergency—make sure everyone is clear about what to do and who to call.
Because the course of action they took turned out badly, they believe that the opposite course—keeping Mother at home, postponing the operation—would have turned out better.
One simple check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with an unusual situation.
Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.
The header note for the diagram indicates it is an alternate course of action.
Sometimes we feel that it is of vital importance to choose the right course of action.
His coach Aguilar, who has been the strongest advocate for this course of action, agreed.
No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.
The people at the table may have different opinions about the best option or course of action.
Letting users know something went wrong helps, but suggesting a course of action helps more.
Tactic (TACT) A Tactic is a Course of Action that represents part of the detailing of Strategies.
战术(TACT) 战术是代表战略细节部分所采取的行动。
And this is why Digg decided removing the Top Diggers List would be the best course of action.
Creativity can hit when you least expect it, so the best course of action is always to be prepared.
Decide-consider options and select a course of action that you think will help you solve the problem.
But what if the grunts took over and tried to decide among themselves on the best course of action?
They then bargain with each other over the best course of action, make a decision and carry it out.
You can cover your basic needs and just sort of continue along without a particular course of action.
That is no excuse for complacency: prevention will always remain a better course of action than cure.
This is the most time-intensive course of action for configuring devices and will require the most attention.
While this is a perfectly logical course of action, turning on IP transparency can carry a performance penalty.
However, in order to investigate which course of action to take we need to investigate why the choice is faced.
If that sounds low, remember a few people committed to a single course of action can achieve amazing results.
Finally, they test the practicality of this course of action by imagining what will happen if the action is taken.
What has happened, in short, to the individual who decides and chooses one course of action rather than another?
The best course of action is to include those aspects that are important for your project and leave out the rest.
A potential course of action here is to reduce the size of the buffer pools supporting the table Spaces resident on SSDs.
A potential course of action here is to reduce the size of the buffer pools supporting the table Spaces resident on SSDs.