The next court hearing in Baltazar Cruz's case is slated for November.
Mr. Assange's lawyers released their outline within minutes of the court hearing.
Yet another court hearing on the spill is due in January, 17 years after the original pollution.
The 11 activists charged Wednesday were released on their own recognizance after the court hearing.
“I did this to stop the peace process, ” he explained at a court hearing. “We need to be coldhearted.”
The thorough detection, the prudent prosecution and the meticulous court hearing brought about a high guilty rate.
Write statement which is sign and swear before a solicitor and which can then is used as evidence in court hearing.
He withdrew after the first court hearing, alleging that the not-guilty verdict had been decided before the proceedings had even begun.
Article 60 No appeal may be raised for retrial of a referendum case, and the court hearing the case shall adjudicate it within 6 months.
By lunchtime, shortly before several newspapers were due to challenge its position in a High Court hearing, Carter-Ruck lifted its opposition.
到中午,就在几家报社正准备在高级法院听证会上迎接Cater - Ruck的控诉前不久,Cater - Ruck撤销了他们的禁声申请。
During a televised court hearing Monday, Berenson made a rare public statement in which she publicly apologized for working with the MRTA.
The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to claims for damages arising from collision of ships on the high sea.
Allegations that the shareholder vote that approved this plan had been rigged, rejected by an initial court hearing, added a layer of grubbiness.
The principles of interrogation during court hearing include the rules of reciprocity rights, necessity, juror impartiality, being timely, debate etc.
A 25-year-old Afghan immigrant who used to work at Denver airport pleaded guilty, in a civilian court hearing, to plotting to bomb the New York subway last year.
In April Sir Michael, who is 75, collapsed during a court hearing at which he was suspended from office for two weeks for failing to file financial returns.
He has now been served with a letter ordering him to leave the family home 'within ten days' or face a court hearing to ensure that he finally flies the nest.
Since then our country has no legal provisions, such cases result in the court hearing into the plight of uncertainty, the theory scholars are even more debate.
The summons permitted the defendants to self-surrender in the United States and to appear before a United States Magistrate Judge for their initial court hearing.
U. s. District Judge Nancy Atlas is holding a court hearing on whether the insurer, Lloyd's of London, will continue paying their millions of dollars in legal fees.
For example, actor Charlie Sheen was arrested in connection with an argument he had with his wife last Christmas day; a court hearing on the case was delayed Monday.
Unfortunately, our country's court hearing is weak in this, still holding much judge's inquiry in the process of impeachment which is dangerous for court impeachment.
The main reason is the trial which in the center of conviction. The solution is to build two stages structure of court hearing that conviction first, measurement of penalty second.
The main reason is the trial which in the center of conviction. The solution is to build two stages structure of court hearing that conviction first, measurement of penalty second.