Two months ago the European Court of Justice ruled that Italy smothered competition in broadcasting.
Legal disputes are settled by the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
The European Court of Justice is ever more activist, handing down rulings that enrage British public opinion.
Tesco is hoping the European Court of Justice will say this practice called "parallel importing" is legal.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) sits in Luxembourg and ensures compliance with EU law.
How such circles are squared will be up to the European court of Justice, the EU's highest court.
In a ruling issued on Tuesday, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice, the European Union's top court, banned insurance companies from using gender as a way to work out premiums.
The European court of Justice - Europe's top court, based in Luxembourg - ruled on 6 July that Monsanto couldn't bar imports of the soya meal.
On July 8th the European Court of Justice will say whether or not Portugal's golden share breaks European Union rules on the free movement of capital.
Belgian player Jean-Marc Bosman complained to the European Court of Justice against rules that then limited the number of foreign players to two or three per club.
And British enthusiasm for annuities will have been dampened further by a European Court of Justice decision last month that stopped insurance companies from discriminating on the ground of gender.
All this helps to explain why the European Court of Human Rights is overwhelmed with Russian cases, and why large Russian companies seek justice in London.
If the sovereignty act suggests that EU law loses its primacy over domestic law, however, the European Court of Justice might strike it down.
The European Court of Justice today upheld the decision to cap cellphone roaming charges across the EU.
欧洲法院近日表态支持在欧洲地区实施手机漫游费封顶 。
To ensure this, the EU is now taking Spain to the European Court of Justice.
Advocate General Poiares Maduro at the European Court of Justice has said that Google has not infringed trademark rights by allowing advertisers to buy keywords.
Cases in the European court of Justice as well as many in local courts in Europe.
Now the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the EU's highest court, has boosted this cause in a landmark case (see article).
European Court of Justice will also rule whether Internet giant [gm99nd] Inc. can be held liable for any breaches of trademarks in advertisements that appear on its Web site.
欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)还将裁决,如果[gm 66nd]公司([gm 99nd] Inc .)网站上的广告为商标侵权,那么这家互联网巨头是否有可能担负法律责任。
The European Court of Justice, based in Luxembourg, acts as the EU's supreme court in areas for which the union is responsible (which does not include criminal law, for example).
"Unless you want to take it to the European Court of Justice, there's no real practical way of resolving that," he said.
Article 234 ec allows any national court, be it the local court of first instance, to refer directly a question on the interpretation of ec law to the European court of Justice (ECJ).
Three brand owners, including LVMH, the firm behind the Louis Vuitton brand, are challenging Google in the French courts and the European Court of Justice has been asked to rule on the issue.
David Llewelyn:And the European Court of Justice again said , "No! " The average consumer does not look at the shape of a candy and think it's a trademark.
May also confirmed that the UK would withdraw from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, the highest court in matters of European Union law.
Third part, the function of the European court of justice jurisdiction in the European integration advancement.
The judgments of the European Court of Justice enable the free migration of head office.
The judgments of the European Court of Justice enable the free migration of head office.