Given the high level of security, you could hardly expect a covered bond to offer a munificent return and they don't.
The ECB has been very explicit about its separation principle since the launch of its non-conventional tools including covered bond purchasing program and also SMP.
These outsourcing projects covered many different fields, such as bond, finance, insurance, telecom, currency, e-business etc.
In 2005 bond insurers covered around 57% of new bond issuance, but now they cover a mere 7% or so.
Ms. Bond retained a lawyer, and the Franciscans gave her $1,000 toward the costs of the birth that were not covered by insurance, and $505 toward baby furniture.
It was developed by SEM that the surface of wool finished by hot-reacting PU is covered by resin, and there are bond points between fibres.
Right from the start, the bond was covered by a real asset, in this case a noble's lands.
The nanocomposite with core/shell structures is an ordered assembly system in which one nanomaterial is covered by another nanomaterial via chemical bond or other interactions.
This product is a compound coated wire , it made flom excellent bare copper flat wire covered with polyvinyl resin or other enamel as based coating and coated a special bond at surface.
This product is a compound coated wire , it made flom excellent bare copper flat wire covered with polyvinyl resin or other enamel as based coating and coated a special bond at surface.