Great covering power with little weight is possible in fabrics composed of high-bulk yarns.
Dusting, gold paint, textile printing, also suitable for screen printing, good gloss, high covering power.
Because of the low price of Titanic glaze and the strong covering power of opacifying glaze, people have payed high attention to it.
And the covering power is seen to depend greatly on the density. With increasing density, the covering power diminishes exponentially.
Wide-Angle lens: lens with wide covering power. It has a focal length which is less than the diagonal of the film format with which it is being used.
The deposit appearance, deposition rate, throwing power and covering power of the process were tested and compared with those of one overseas known kindred process.
Due to its excellent covering power, RU 2248 is suitable as a component for corrected-grain leathers, patent. It has excellent finishing effect when it is used for rolling operation.
RU 2248具有极好的遮盖性,在配方中作为主要树脂用于修面、漆皮,用于辊涂具有极好的操作效果。
The deposits obtained by the process has satisfactory appearance, corrosion resistance and hardness, and the plating bath has advantages of high covering power and current efficiency.
Iron oxide red is an excellent pigment, which has fine qualities such as covering power, coloring power, heat resistance, resistance to solvent, acid fastness, innocuity and anti-rust.
Covering power, throwing power, polarization value, polarizability, peak point potential and peak point current of the brightener are also almost equal to those of the abroad counterparts.
The corrosion resistance of deposits and covering power of the plating bath were tested respectively by neutral salt spray test and inner-pole method, and the hardness of deposits was also measured.
Initially, the plan to power the robot involved covering its surface with solar cells that would charge a lithium polymer battery inside.
The idea is that solar Impulse will take off and fly under its own power using electricity from the 11, 628 solar cells covering the upper surfaces of its wings and tailplane.
The $3.5bn National Ignition Facility (NIF) sits in a 10-storey building covering three football fields and will harness the power of lasers to turn tiny pellets of hydrogen into thermonuclear energy.
美国国家点火装置(简称NIF)耗资35亿美元,建在一个十层楼高的建筑里,占地面积有三个足球场那么大。 它将利用激光把氢同位素靶丸转化为热核能量。
Although covering all the possible uses of this functionality is beyond the scope of this article, I show you a couple of very different uses to demonstrate the power behind the functionality.
There is also talk of a more limited cap-and-trade system, covering the power utilities, which are reconciled to the idea, but excluding the oil industry, which is still fiercely resisting it.
We have decided to build 100 clean energy projects for Africa covering solar power, bio-gas and small hydro-power.
From April 20 to 24, the Hanover Fair will host 13 trade shows covering industrial automation, motive power engineering, energy, industrial subcontracting and so on.
Each provincial power network corporation shall establish a wide area network covering each regional city and county power supply company and ensure the safe and smooth of the wide area network.
Covering every aspects of life, such as love, destiny power, freedom, etc, Chen Kai-ge s The Promise introduces a surrealistic and non-realistic approach to refracting the reality.
Used for loop packing, motor stator loop covering, and power resource transforming loop packing.
A diagnostic method integrated covering theory and fuzzy reasoning is introduced in this paper. Based on it, a practical model applied for the fault diagnosis of power transformer is constructed.
When the higher power arc is of the submerged arc type, the flux powder covering the weld metal pool must also be supported against the effects of gravity.
The initial transmission power of the base station is the corresponding transmission power for the smallest covering area of the base station.
From the female subtle inner affection, she expresses comforting human beings, and then covering the realistic world, and showing the unique taste value and thought power.
After graduating from Yale, Power worked as a journalist covering the wars in the Balkans, and went on to report from East Timor, Kosovo, Sudan, and Zimbabwe, among other conflict areas.
Furthermore, relevant case studies are presented, covering engineering siting for hydro and electric power, route selections for railway, highway, oil and gas pipeline.
Products up to 11 series, 160 kinds, covering aviation, electric power, machinery, coal, forestry, agriculture and other fields, including several kinds of products to fill gaps in the province.
This makes a lot of sense. I started covering baseball in New York in 2000 and it always has amazed me how much power that the clubhouse managers and their assistants have.
This makes a lot of sense. I started covering baseball in New York in 2000 and it always has amazed me how much power that the clubhouse managers and their assistants have.