So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet's surface, that the additional energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world.
As a result, glaciers create a great variety of landforms that remain long after the surface is released from its icy covering.
As it cooled, an ocean of magma covering its surface began to crystallize.
Initially, the plan to power the robot involved covering its surface with solar cells that would charge a lithium polymer battery inside.
According to the main compiler of forest data, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, about 4 billion hectares (10 billion acres) of forest remain, covering 31% of the Earth's land surface.
One idea being tested is using a thin foil surface covering, a gas or vacuum blanket, to keep the heat out.
This is the biggest energy-storage system in the world, with two reservoirs covering 820 surface acres can store up to 30 GWh storage capacity.
The Nine Peaks in Songjiang are the only natural hills in Shanghai. Green trees amid the hills and red-roofed houses set off one another, with dense forests covering in the surface of the hills.
The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.
We won't be covering sculpting of folds or wrinkles, but concentrate on adding surface details like patterns or texture to add that last little bit of realism to your projects.
The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.
The covering is a vast prismatic surface composed of different types of perforated metal in varying densities, whose appearance is constantly changing.
Dust accumulation of more than 0.8 millimeters - covering at least 5 percent of a room's surface poses a significant explosion hazard.
Skin: Surface covering of the Body that protects it and receives external sensory stimuli, consisting of an epidermis over a thicker dermis.
Doctor: Don't worry. There will be tooth-colored porcelain covering the surface of the bridge. This will make it look natural.
The fractal dimension of fracture surface was measured directly by using projective covering method and laser triangulation technique.
This paper introduces some key technologies in reverse engineering of automobile covering panel. such as, CMM, fitting of surface, reconstructing of surface, smoothing of surface etc.
The decision as to whether a floor or wall surface is ready for covering, for example, can be made immediately.
The casting pure zinc is often chosen as sacrifice anode covering on the surface of steel-foot to prevent the corrosion.
Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a "blue planet".
Objective: By covering the surface of TBC (True bone ceramic) with collagen, to increase the histocompatibility of TBC.
The leafing aluminum has a tight surface, good oxidation resistance, surface covering property and high floating abilities.
Finally, the solution of the minimal covering problem on surface using fluorescence marking technology is proposed based on the principle of sticker model.
Superplasticizer mainly absorbs on the cement hydrates covering the surface of cement particles instead of on the surface of unhydrated particles.
Mechanical ventilation combining with covering grain surface by rice husk were used to keep moisture of late indica rice of high moisture content and safely spend summer.
"To clear off" means to organize and remove things that are covering the surface of a table, desk, or shelves.
"To clear off" means to organize and remove things that are covering the surface of a table, desk, or shelves.