Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.
Suddenly without warning the plane seemed to crack up as it was about to take off.
But let's have the kids crack up laughing as they watch their drunken dad try to proposition an empty wallet.
Besides that, our parents let us E-mail sometimes, and we still get to talk and crack up together on the phone now and then.
From the combat to the items to the conversation, everything about this game is designed to make you crack up at least a little.
You're clearly having some kind of a crack-up, so I suggest you take three weeks off.
It appears that the shell has to crack open or break down somewhat to allow the seed to soak up water.
At the crack of dawn, he would run up the slopes with his skis on, an unbelievably backbreaking activity.
Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.
At 3am pen was woken up with a shuddering jolt as a new [crack] opened not far from the door - around 10 metres.
As seen on the show Mythbusters, a penny won't pick up enough speed to crack a human skull. Wind resistance makes this impossible event even more unlikely.
James was about to crack the freaky egg to make a fry-up for guests at The Hotel Bristol in Newquay, Cornwall when when he noticed it wasn't oval as he would have expected.
But would I crack enough to whip up a dressing of couscous with pecans, parsley and loads of scallions?
According to legend, eagles picked up tortoises and attempt to crack them open by dropping them on rocks.
He gets up at the crack of dawn to do a couple of hours' extra ploughing. He even refuses to take a day off when he splits his hoof.
Does he think Historical, getting a report of mummies, finding only a recently filled hole, is going to think, Oh, Giff, very funny, you crack us up?
Despite the crack-up, Mia's mind is in fine form: she's learned and thoughtful; her head is stuffed with Freud, Hegel, Rilke and Blake.
First the shell begins to crack. Then there's a flurry of activity as the tiny creature curled up inside the egg breaks a hole in the shell.
We had just started to curl up in our sleeping bags when we both heard a loud crack.
Well break out your razor, fire up the grill and crack open a bottle of steak sauce because today’s two stars from The Expendables are as macho as they come.
One week later, I lived in the den of my grandparents' apartment, got up at the crack of dawn and worked in a place where I was so intimidated that I didn't get up to go to the bathroom.
Instead of giving up-and-comers larger assignments, consider intentionally giving them smaller, more ambiguous ones. Have them crack into a new geographic market.
People would stop reproducing, your virtual Scarlett Johansson could have perfect virtual kids who'll never wind up in jail or steal money from you to buy crack.
Jealous of his famous sibling, Sigerson teams up with a Scotland Yard detective (Feldman) to solve a case that Sherlock is apparently unable to crack.
2:Finally Bob made a dirty crack about the quarterback -- he called him so dumb he couldn't add up two and two.
This is partly marketing talk: crack open an iPhone and you will find many of the paraphernalia—including a motherboard and microchips—that make up the guts of a PC too.
This is partly marketing talk: crack open an iPhone and you will find many of the paraphernalia—including a motherboard and microchips—that make up the guts of a PC too.