We served some crackers and cheese as an appetiser.
But, if you must eat on the go, choose healthful fare such as fresh or dried fruit, veggies, whole-grain crackers and cheese.
Some people like food you don't even have to cook, like Starbursts or cheese and crackers.
admits she grew up enjoying a very limited palate: chicken fingers, MAC and cheese, pizza, and peanut-butter crackers.
Krause likes peanut butter, crackers, grilled cheese sandwiches, chocolate milk and little else.
The classic combination of cheese and crackers became increasingly popular with the development of the Ritz cracker in 1934, by Nobisco.
Some foods were invented during the Depression, such as spam, Ritz crackers, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Kraft macaroni and cheese, according to livinghistoryfarm.org.
有些食品就是大萧条时期被发明的,根据livinghistoryfarm.org网站的信息,罐头午餐肉,乐芝饼干、Krispy Kreme甜甜圈和卡夫奶酪通心粉等都是这段时期出现的。
Eat a piece of fruit and some low-fat cheese on crackers later in the morning if you feel hungry.
When we got settled my dad made us some cocktails and I made a yummy little platter of cheese and crackers.
I placed fresh flowers, drinks, cheese and crackers on a table.
A classified briefing awaits Obama in his private dining room just outside the Oval Office, along with cheese, crackers and a pear.
I ' ve got cheddar cheese and crackers. danishes, doughnuts, croissants.
So a few perfect late night snacks to get you snoozing might include a bowl of cereal and milk, yogurt and crackers, or bread and cheese.
If allergic to chocolate, take some trail mix or cheese and crackers with you on the road!
And some stale crackers , egg and cheese sandwich and a bioody mary.
Try half a sandwich and 1 cup or 240 milliliters of milk, or 3 crackers, 2 ounces of cheese, and a small apple.
The crackers are great with peanut butter, but you can also make mini-sandwiches out of them with cheese and sandwich meat for a quick mid-afternoon fix.
Those are very strong value messages - the fact that when you eat some of our cheese and crackers, it's less than a dollar a serving.
Cool and squeeze out the garlic storing in an airtight container for future use; or serve hot spread upon toast or crackers along with some blue cheese.
Cool and squeeze out the garlic storing in an airtight container for future use; or serve hot spread upon toast or crackers along with some blue cheese.