May's warm weather caused Americans to crank up their air conditioners.
Are nasty drafts forcing you to crank up the heat?
This experience has made Beijing hesitant to crank up another big stimulus.
These chemical marks can activate, silence or crank up genes and their actions.
Now that CSS is widely supported, we can crank up the quality and appearance of the tabs on our sites.
Nor is it possible simply to crank up the power of the source beam, because infra-red light at high intensity can cause eye damage.
他说,“多数光不会你想让它到哪它就到里”。 也不可能简单地增强光束的强度,因为高强度的红外光会伤害人眼。
I suspect they don't know; they just crank up the amp to the Max to get a lot of jangly jitter, and don't bother to calibrate anything.
Crank up the power, and it can emit a warning tone so loud that anyone in its path would have no choice but to cover their ears and run.
Crank up the AC, grab a glass of ice water and get ready to enjoy these seven titles guaranteed to help occupy your mind with chilly thoughts.
Polyester fabrics provide more protection than cotton, and dyed clothing is better than white, but both of those options also crank up the heat.
Even when the car is off and locked, these fans whir around, so when you step back into it you don't need to crank up the power-hungry air conditioning.
Gbagbo rival Alassane Ouattara called for a month-long cocoa export ban to crank up the pressure, which has been further compounded by European Union sanctions.
Close your eyes, crank up the volume on your MP3 and the integrated speakers in the Sonic Chair give you the sound of being at a gig in the comfort of your home.
In my battery test, I turn off all power-saving features, leave the Wi-Fi network on, crank up the screen to 100% brightness, and play a continuous loop of music.
在我的电池测试中,我关闭了所有节电模式,开着Wi - Fi网络,把屏幕亮度调到100%,并不停地循环播放音乐。
You can crank up the disaster recovery environment and check out what it takes to complete the steps — maybe even script the steps before making the change to your primary environment.
可以启动灾难恢复环境,查明完成步骤需要什么 —甚至可以编写执行步骤的脚本,然后再修改主环境。
A few years ago, when the world got nervous about the possibility of deadly bird flu, Roche moved to crank up production of its anti-flu drug Tamiflu as a bulwark against a pandemic.
If they crank up the resolution by 50 percent to focus on an area half that size, they pay for it in computing time - a calculation that took 10 days to perform might now need three months.
We also considered, where possible, data on job satisfaction, turnover, and impending retirements, which crank up openings in jobs that may have only slightly above-average employment growth.
Now, you can start thinking about including multiple pages or sheets in the same spreadsheet, adding formulas, and even including graphs so that you can really crank up the level of your output!
A sweet social influence will crank up on May 24 and bring you in contact with many new people. Some will become new friends, and those will lead you into fresh new places of the heart and mind.
It opposes the nuclear ambitions of Iran. Its largesse keeps the restive citizenry of the Gulf quiet-and will be vitally required to help crank up the creaking economies of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
It was an old car, and I had to crank it up every morning to get it started.
They have to really crank it up and get into higher tiers, like titanium.
Since the solid wood design didn’t resonate as much as hollow body guitars, you could crank one up nice and loud without it feeding back.
They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.
They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.