He drove like an idiot, passing in the craziest places.
Many people still cannot believe what he has done so far, so that is why they sometimes describe him as "Fishman", "Human Fish" or even "the Craziest Man in the World".
In what's probably the craziest headline I've ever written, I've reported that advances in livestock protection are happening with scientists painting eyes on the butts of cows.
We've dug up some of the craziest sushi rolls you've ever seen.
It remains the craziest experiment mankind has ever conducted.
The day of the boxes under the tree is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
That got us thinking: What are some of the craziest filming locations in movie history?
"Papa," I said, "I don't want to catch Samie, but he's the craziest cat I ever saw."
"THIS is the craziest thing we're doing," says Peter Brabeck, the chairman of Nestle.
The most craziest ability in all the pets, a Blacksmith and combiner's must have pet.
The craziest night of my life began when Rudy the cat dived into the garbage disposal.
Levi proposed two weeks ago and the craziest part is that Sarah Palin doesn't even know.
We're really excited. This has been the scariest, craziest few months of our lives ever.
An: Please, Becky. I 'm madly in love with Walter. He did the craziest thing the other night.
True friends have fun with each other even when they are doing the stupidest or craziest things.
What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten? Here's another fun question that gets people talking!
Somebody may be thinking at this point, "Dharma Master, that's the craziest talk I've ever heard."
"It is one crazy day for us," Aimee Stephens, marketing director, told me, "Perhaps the craziest ever."
Though I was preparing to go to Oxford, August was one of 1968s craziest months, and it was hard to look ahead.
In all the possible scenarios out there, I would say Anelka returning to the Gunners is one of the craziest.
Let's face it, even some of the craziest claims can quickly gain traction. I've had some experience in that regard.
Still, MegaShark’s encounter with a passenger airplane goes down as one of the craziest moments in monster movie history.
One of the craziest things that I notice about the images below is how human some of them seem in their actions or poses.
在下面这些照片中我认为最有趣的部分之一,就是一些动物“模仿”人类的动作或姿势。 看看上面这张照片中的青蛙正用手“捂”着它的脸。
One of the craziest things that I notice about the images below is how human some of them seem in their actions or poses.
在下面这些照片中我认为最有趣的部分之一,就是一些动物“模仿”人类的动作或姿势。 看看上面这张照片中的青蛙正用手“捂”着它的脸。