However, you might want to call different action methods to create different parts of a view.
Now that you know the actual command (or method) to call to perform the desired action, you can now create a script to use this command.
This topic describes how to call action methods from within a view (parent view) that create subsections (child views) of the view.
We exist because of a call to action to create a "Rails A-Team" in early 2005, and decided that it should be us...
If you want to blow the whole cache clean, you can call the function cache: : clear either in a specific cache clearing action, or you could create a controller explicitly for that purpose.
Create a clear call to action with your marketing content, give your customers the chance and motive to take action. Prioritize content aimed at a target group.
Create a clear call to action with your marketing content, give your customers the chance and motive to take action. Prioritize content aimed at a target group.