Execute this database script to create the table in your database.
Also, if you later create a new table space in the database, you must then take a backup that contains the table space.
Now we must create the table structure in the database, which also wipes out the existing tables and data (if there's any) and start from scratch.
Once installed, you need to create at least one database and one table in order to create a connection and test to see if you can access data in the created table.
You will now create a sample database and a sample table that contains the user data.
If the relational data resided in a remote DB2 or OEM database, we would simply create a nickname for this remote table in our database.
如果关系数据驻留在远程DB 2或OEM数据库中,那么我们将简单地为我们数据库中的这个远程表创建一个别名。
You can refer to the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements in Listing 1 to create the database and table for the sample application.
The simple answer is to delete the table from the database and, if necessary, create a replacement table.
As an initial step you will need to create a new table within the database that you have been using for this application.
Before doing anything else, we need to create the database table that will hold our group news, and then add some entries to it.
Now you must create a table within this database and specify how many fields the table should contain (a field is analogous to a column).
The only exception to this is the code in the migration to create a database table, but that can also be done in straight SQL in the database.
Often, you may need to create database objects such as databases, tables, or table Spaces to address incoming business requirements.
Now, you'll want to connect to the database and create a table with the following definition.
The only other noticeable difference is that an additional clause can and should be appended to the CREATE TABLE statement to specify in which database the table shall be placed.
惟一需要注意的其他事项是,可以、也应该在CREATE TABLE语句后面添加一个子句,以指定将表放在哪个数据库中。
Before running the job, perform the steps in Listing 1 to create the database and table in your DB2 database.
在运行作业以前,执行清单1中的步骤以便在DB 2数据库中创建数据库和表。
Now that you have successfully created the database, you need to create a parts table.
Go ahead and use the DB2 Command Line Processor to create a database for the table above.
请使用DB 2命令行处理器为上面的表创建一个数据库。
One option is simply to create a test database table and let DB2 do the checking with its built-in parser.
The following commands can be used to create such a database and table spaces.
After successfully opening the database, the SQL DDL to create the database table is executed.
Let's take a look at a simple program that will create a database table and populate the table with data values.
From an SQL command line tool or with the JDBC API, create the database table with an XML type column.
Create the desired database, schema, and table on the new server.
Create the DB2 database and table using the following commands.
可以使用下列命令创建DB 2数据库和表。
Next, start the MySQL server, and create the database "crm" and the table "owner" as shown in Listing 7.
接下来,启动MySQL服务器,并按照如 清单7所示的方式创建数据库“crm”和表“owner”。
This example shows how to create a table (tab_new) in the testdb database.
You need to create a new database table, which is required to store the special interest groups a customer might be interested in.
Connect to DB2 database and create the test table using the following commands.
连接到DB 2数据库并使用以下命令创建测试数据表。
Connect to DB2 database and create the test table using the following commands.
连接到DB 2数据库并使用以下命令创建测试数据表。