Screen cap: Create database wizard, with fields for database name, default path, alias, and comment.
屏幕图:Create database向导,其中包含数据库名、默认路径、别名和注释字段。
The Create Database Wizard lets you create a conceptual model first and then create a database that supports the model.
The create database Wizard allows you to create a conceptual model first and then create a database that supports the model.
You will not use this however, since you need to create an XML-enabled database, which cannot be created using the wizard.
The wizard will create the final segment of the path, and will create the database within that directory.
The wizard is smart enough to recognize that the database is empty, and will create the schema if necessary.
Here, we created a new and empty DB2 database (ISSWWPS) and then let the profile wizard create the schema and the tables for us in it.
这里,我们新建一个空的DB 2数据库(ISSWWPS),然后让概要向导在其中为我们创建模式和表。
Create a new database using the wizard, which will give you a 7-step wizard where you only have to specify the name of the new empty database (something like ECO2).
Click on the Mirror Create, which invokes the DB2 database creation wizard shown below.
单击MirrorCreate,这将调用下面所示的DB 2数据库创建向导。
The Geronimo database pool wizard will create a plan that has such a dependency when Derby embedded is used.
If you have not yet created that connection, you can use the SDO Creation wizard here to create the connection to the database.
Later in this article, you will see how to create a database pool using the Geronimo database pool wizard.
If you wish to use a similar connection for this new feature, you must create a separate database connection using the new connection wizard, or import a connection that was created with this wizard.
You can use the "Create new database" button to launch a wizard for creating DB2 databases.
您可以使用“Createnewdatabase”按钮启动一个用于创建DB 2数据库的向导。
From the Generate Entities wizard, when it opens (Figure 8), you can select an existing connection to a database (or create a new one).
Select Using the Geronimo database pool wizard to create new database pools.
选择Usingthe Geronimodatabasepoolwizard创建新的数据库池。
Do you want the wizard to create the stored procedures in the database?
If you use the New Database project Wizard, you can specify a server from which to import objects and Settings when you create the project.
This strategy is useful, for example, if you create a database and want to use the wizard to configure the project properties, database options, and build and deployment Settings.
Data Source Configuration Wizard USES a relative path to create connections to the local database file.
The wizard can also create new stored procedures in the database based on SQL statements you enter into the wizard.
The Entity Data Model Wizard allows you to create a model from an existing database, or to generate an empty model.
Create new stored procedure - SELECT this option to have the wizard create a new stored procedure (in the database) based on the specified SELECT statement.
Create new stored procedure - SELECT this option to have the wizard create a new stored procedure (in the database) based on the specified SELECT statement.