To communicate the intended architecture of your system, create layer diagrams.
Create layer diagrams to describe the high-level design of the system and its dependencies.
In addition, you can create layer diagrams, which help you define the structure of your system.
Just below the chromatophores is a layer of cells that reflect light from the environment, and these cells help the octopus create a precise match with the colors that surround them.
Create an abstract layer between the application and the PKI solution.
在应用程序与PK I解决方案之间创建一个抽象层。
Create a business object layer, called intermediate objects, which serves as a placeholder for data used in event evaluation.
You can for instance create a full layer content or update only text in a specific tag.
The DAOs create an additional layer of objects between the data client and the data source that need to be designed and implemented to leverage the benefits of this pattern.
This function will create a new buffer feature data layer around the input point features at user specified distance.
To change the color click on the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel and choose Hue/Saturation .
要更改色调,需点击图层面板底端的创建新的填充或调节图层按钮,并选择色相/饱和度 。
Create a new layer above the grass layer.
But don't try to create a generic, all-purpose persistence layer, since at this point you're not sure you need it.
Create routing entries at the logical layer.
Standard manageable resource definitions create an integration layer between managers and the different management protocols used to instrument resources.
When a layer is active, new shapes and connectors that you create on the diagram are automatically added to the layer.
In this scenario, the Presentation layer (Report Server) JVM was unable to create the login page before users failed out.
Enterprise data services effectively create abstraction layer, shielding business functionality from the data access details.
At the input end of the overall system, you simply need to create the relevant input files for the first layer of the network directly.
Create a new layer, load the interface selection, and with a 20% Opacity, soft, white brush paint some highlights just as we did with the rectangles.
ALT + click in between the new layer with the pink layer to create a mask of the pink layer.
Sulphur ejected into the atmosphere spread around in subsequent months to create a layer believed to have had a temporary cooling effect as it blocked some of the sun's warmth.
The alternative, which some regulators prefer, is to create a specific layer of debt that would bear losses if a bank fails, without (it is hoped) triggering a run of all creditors.
Create a portability layer on each node.
But da Vinci did not change his mind half way through, he said. On top of the base layers the artist added a glazed shadowing layer to create a three dimensional effect.
Oceans create a water layer spanning 15, 000 miles (24, 000 kilometers) across the planet at an average depth of more than 2 miles (3.2 km).
Spring provides significant support for using the or mapping layer of your choice to create data-access applications.
Why not generate the Web presentation layer to create, add, list, delete, and search these elements from the annotated beans?
为什么不生成一个 Web表示层,让它根据带注解的 bean创建、添加、列出、删除和搜索这些元素呢?
Step 4: Create a new layer by clicking the paper-looking icon at the bottom of the Layers palette (circled in red below).
Step 4: Create a new layer by clicking the paper-looking icon at the bottom of the Layers palette (circled in red below).