The only other method (set in italics) in the class is used to get a reference to the singleton and to create it if it is not yet instantiated.
For instance, you can create design patterns for a how-to collection, a case study collection, and a reference set collection.
比如,可以分别为how - to集合、案例研究集合和参考设置集合创建设计模式。
If you are converting to a command reference topic, you will likely want to add a gen-cmdref template to set up your root element and create the major structures within the topic.
如果要转换到命令参考模板,则可以添加一个gen -cmdref模板建立根元素,并创建该主题中的主要结构。
Create an empty game object named PhysicsTest and add script PhysicsTest to it and set both, cube reference and initial velocity of it.
Create an empty game object named PhysicsTest and add script PhysicsTest to it and set both, cube reference and initial velocity of it.